Is homosexuality biologically-psychology

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Reference no: EM13138188

Introduction to Psychology (PS 101)

Position Paper Write up Description:

The purpose of this critical thinking assignment is to examine both sides of a controversial issue, select a position, apply it to a multicultural context, and to apply the Park University General Education literacies:  aesthetic, civic, critical, science, and values. Two of these literacies (critical and values) are perceived to cut across disciplines and departments, while the other three (aesthetic, civic, and scientific) literacies address major academic concerns.  Students with these literacies should be able to succeed in communicating, computing and problem-solving, clarifying values, using the arts, functioning within social institutions, and using the sciences and technology.

Please select a topic from a Taking Sides book.  In the event that you do not have access to the Taking Sides book, please open the other attachment and examine the list of topics in the book.  You will be responsible for finding the articles listed (or similar ones) to include in your paper.  Please select one of the topics from the book.

Include the following in your paper:

1) Brief introduction presenting the controversy;

2) Summary of both positions;

3) Statement of your position on the issue with justification (this means you should build a case and not just state, “This is my position because I think it is best.”)  I expect you to put effort into your position;

4) Statement of how your controversy may be applied to a multicultural context;

5) Statement of how your issue applies to the literacies of: critical, civic, science, and values. Simply include a paragraph heading for each of these four literacies;

6) Conclusion statement

Multicultural Application:

Increasingly, we have learned that different cultures (within our society and outside of country) may view topics differently than ours.  Based upon this, select another culture that may view this controversy from one perspective or another.  For example, if you selected the topic, “Is Pornography Harmful”, do Europeans approach the topic the same as Latin Americans, as Asians, as the deaf community?  Certain countries may hold values for or against the controversy you have selected.  Your statement should demonstrate that you recognize that other cultures may hold specific values that may be different from your culture.

Park University Literacies:

To help you understand what these literacies refer to, please read the descriptions below.  As you formulate your responses for these, present the implications of your topic within each of these literacies.  For example, if you selected the topic, “Is Pornography Harmful”, you should address how a person’s values system influences their position on this issue.

1. For the Critical Literacy - describe and evaluate the reasoning used in the positions to address this issue.

2. For the Civic Literacy – describe how this topic impacts our society, and what citizens can do to resolve it.

3. For the Science Literacy – identify how science is used in this topic or, if there is a gap of research, suggest a study that would help to resolve this controversy.

4. For the Values Literacy – describe the values or assumptions that are found in the positions or in the topic in general.

Your grade is partially determined by how you apply your issue to these literacies.

Critical Literacy - Analytical and critical thinking

The student with critical literacy will be able to gather, evaluate, and communicate information effectively; meet the basic computing demands of contemporary life; know standards of excellence; recognize varieties of problem-solving strategies; and be able to contribute to desirable changes or help preserve and transmit fundamental knowledge for the good of society.

Civic Literacy - Community and civic responsibility

The student with civic literacy will be able to see the complexity of social, political, and economic systems and problems on the national and international scene, and then develop ways that would contribute to the solution of such problems through effective citizenship participation.

Science Literacy

The student with science literacy will be able to know the nature of scientific evidence and the scientific method of inquiry, recognize their roles in approaching problems in human society and its physical environment, and use such knowledge in personal scientific pursuits and as a member of the scientific community.

Values Literacy- Personal values and ethics

The student with values literacy is sensitive to value questions, appreciatively and critically aware of differing value systems, in possession of tools for analyzing value questions, and engaged in the process of putting these things together into a constant set of personal values and testing them for life.

Graded Components


1. Introduction





2. Summary Pro position





3. Summary Con position





4. Student’s position





5. Multicultural application





6. Critical literacy





7. Civic literacy





8. Science literacy





9. Values literacy





10. Conclusion





11. References





12. Mechanics (grammar/ usage)






Total =         /25 x 3 =

Reference no: EM13138188

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