Is goodbelly succsefull in raising product awareness

Assignment Help Advanced Statistics
Reference no: EM132707919

Case - GoodBelly: Using Statistics to Justify the Marketing Expense

Q 1. Is Goodbelly succsefull in raising product awareness?

Q 2. Did the demonstrations alleviate the marketing budget and funding problems for Goodbelly as a recent start-up?

Q 3. What were other promotional strategeties Goodbelly undertook and the effect/results?

Q 4. Did increase in sales justify associated cost?

Attachment:- Goodbelly using statistics to justify the marketing expense.rar

Reference no: EM132707919

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11/24/2020 5:26:37 AM

Using attached power point slides with Stata analysis, interpret the results and complete slides 22, 23, 24, and 25.

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