Reference no: EM131263594
I need APA Format 7-10 pages and 3-4 Scholarly References.
Your work on your strategic global marketing plan is complete. You now have a plan that will implement, manage, and support a global strategy, but it is far from organized. You e-mail Deborah to inform her that you are almost ready and that the project is nearly is complete. A little while later, the phone rings and you see Deborah's name on the caller ID.
"Hi, Deborah. What's up?" you ask.
"I'd like you to present to the advisory board next week," Deborah says. "They are very curious about your findings and would like to know if globalization is a good opportunity for the company. The board wants to finalize their strategic plan, and this may be a key part of it."
After you hang up, you begin thinking through the different items that you will need to cover. You want to finalize this project and have Deborah and the advisory board accept the marketing plan you and your team have developed. You know that the success of this project will lead to additional project management activities for your organization.
As you finalize the project deliverable, the marketing plan, complete the following:
Is globalization a good move for the company?
What is your rationale behind this decision?
What geographic location should be a target for global expansion?
What background information can you provide to support this decision?
How will this decision support the overall goal of growth and expansion?
How would you refute someone with the opposing perspective?
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