Is film fictional or is it based on actual characters

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Reference no: EM133371942

The objective of the assignment is to watch the movie: Just Mercy PG-13 2019 Drama/Legal drama 2h 16m and then apply various concepts that we have discussed throughout class about victimization during the semester by writing a summary that consist mainly of your own original ideas and thoughts.

You are virtually unlimited as to what you can write about. Some suggestions could include, assessing whether the movie provides a realistic depiction of victimization based upon what you have learned in class.

You might also decide to describe, in detail, whether or not the victimization exhibit certain paraphilia. Is the film fictional or is it based on actual characters? If it is based on actual characters, is it an accurate portrayal, in your opinion? You may discuss any aspect of the film, so long as you integrate some of the concepts that you have learned in the reading and online discussions throughout the semester.

Reference no: EM133371942

Questions Cloud

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Deductive reasoning is used in crime scene investigations : Explain how deductive reasoning is used in crime scene investigations. Describe the skills and mindset needed to apply deductive reasoning.
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Causes of death for young adults : Identify one of the leading causes of death for young adults and give your thoughts on why you believe that this cause of death
Is film fictional or is it based on actual characters : You might also decide to describe, in detail, whether or not victimization exhibit certain paraphilia. Is film fictional or is it based on actual characters?
Why spanish-american war has been called splendid little war : Discuss why the Spanish-American War has been called the "splendid little war," the reasons offered as to why the U.S. decided to engage in this war.
The use of confidential informants in war on drugs : The use of confidential informants in the "war on drugs," prisons as breeding grounds for terrorists, the "three strikes and you're out" movement,
Prison life make for interesting entertainment : Explain why you think implications of prison life make for interesting entertainment.
What can agencies do to help prevent officer suicides : Aside from addressing the issue similar to the portrayal within the Chicago PD video, what can agencies do to help prevent officer suicides?


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