Is fair to consider the manifesto as a utopian text

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Reference no: EM132858784

The Communist Manifesto, by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (1848), is one of the most influential books of all time and has ignited endless political and social debate, both in words and in violence; for this reason, despite its brevity, the book is also difficult to effectively analyze. 

Please read the Manifesto in its entirety (pp. 1-81 in the assigned edition), including the Prefaces of the various international editions, which give some indication of the evolution of the way that the communist message is directed at different audiences. Then, in a short essay of three pages, please answer ONE of the following questions:

Discussion 1. Is it fair to consider the Manifesto as a utopian text or is it something different? Develop a definition of "utopia" as you consider Marx and Engels' priorities, arguments and assumptions in their vision for the future.


Reference no: EM132858784

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