Is capitalism the antagonist of slavery

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Reference no: EM131051368

Detailed Question:

1. Is capitalism the antagonist of slavery? Please pay particular attention to the Kocka and McNeill&McNeill readings.

2. Frank and Clark offer different views on whether every country in the world can benefit from global industrial capitalism. Which one is right? Explain, drawing on other readings as appropriate.


Aim for about 500 words of your own writing in each of the two answers.

Begin each answer with a sentence that summarizes your answer. In other words: your very first sentence should be the most direct and succinct answer you can write to the question you are answering. The rest of your answer should support that first sentence. (Expect that it will take two or three drafts to figure out what the core of your answer is, and to organize and tighten it.) You do not have to take an extreme position - for example you could answer question 4 by saying it's neither happy nor crazy, but something else. But you are asked to take a clear position and explain it.

Use paragraph breaks to organize your writing.

Use specific page references when discussing the writings of particular authors. (Unless you have a photographic memory, you will need to re-read the readings you are discussing.)

You can send me drafts in advance for comment. You can show this to people in the writing center or to a friend who is not in the class to get advice on the clarity of your writing. But this is an exam in the sense that you should not collaborate with other people in the class on this.


1. The Political Economy of Development and Underdevelopment by Charles K. Wilber.

2. The Anthropocene Myth by Andreas Malm.

3. The Human Web - A Bird's Eye View of World History by J. R. McNeill and William H. McNeill.

Reference no: EM131051368

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