Is bob entitled to money back

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM133214878

On June 1, 2018, Bob purchased a new video camera from Sony Video located in Columbia. He planned to use the camera to record the most memorable moments of his upcoming honeymoon in Seychelles. He took the camera on the two-week trip without having removed it from its box. When he tried to use it the first time during a beautiful Seyshells sunset, he discovered that the camera was defective and completely inoperable.

On Monday, June 20, 2018, the day after his return from Seychelles, Bob took the camera back to Sony Video and attempted to revoke his acceptance. The sales manager was sympathetic, but explained the store policy, printed in large letters on the back of Bob's receipt, prevented him from accepting for return any item purchased more than seven days before the buyer brought it back. He offered to repair the camera but Bob refused saying he wanted his money back. Is Bob entitled to his money back?

Reference no: EM133214878

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