Reference no: EM133542753
1. The Greeks regarded art as a way to glimpse the ideal, as this sculpture shows. Where do we get our visions of the ideal today? From art, or some other realm?
2. Michelangelo Buonarroti, DAVID, 1501-4. Marble. Height of figure 14'3".
This statue represents a hero, and it was created for a public space. Suppose an artist today created a statue of a nude hero and set it up in a town square. Who should be depicted? What would the response be?
3. Muslims show respect for the word of God by copying it beautifully or by owning such a beautiful book. Do people of other religious faiths have similar traditions? How do they show such respect?
4. Nadar (Félix Tournachon), SARAH BERNHARDT, 1855. Photograph.
This is a photo of a celebrity of the day, an actress. Besides its grayscale colors, is it different from such celebrity photos that we see today? How?
5. Grant Wood, AMERICAN GOTHIC, 1930. Oil on beaverboard. 29 1/4" x 24 1/2".
This work gently satirizes rural farm people from the artist's native state of Iowa. Can this satire still make sense in today's United States, given the technological and demographic changes that have taken place since 1930? Is it equally valid today?
6. James Rosenquist in F-111 depicted imagery from the culture of the 1960s. Using the criteria for Pop Art that Richard Hamilton developed, what might a Pop artist today depict in a similarly large, mural-sized painting?
7. Is Banksy's Stone Age Waiter a work of art or an example of vandalism? If it is an artwork, does that mean that graffiti in general is also a type of art? How might you separate art from vandalism? If this work is vandalism, does the fact that it was created with permission influence your judgment?