Is any dimension missing

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM133451242


Reflect on the 5 (five) dimensions of project success. Students must reflect on the qualities and limitations of the five dimensions as they are proposed.

Students may reflect on the breadth and depth of the five dimensions, which include:

a. Is any dimension missing (breadth)?

b. Should any dimension be further specified into categories and sub-categories (depth)?

c. Is there any improvement to suggest? (e.g. could/should these dimensions be presented differently?)

The questions above are indicative. Students may reflect on any issue/point that they deem appropriate and relevant considering the selected complex project.

Reference no: EM133451242

Questions Cloud

What part does sequencing play in the development : Within the realm of management accounting, what part does sequencing play in the development of multitasking, and why is this important?
How can decision-makers guard against their decisions : How can decision-makers guard against their decisions being affected by arousal, anger, and other emotions?
Why did politicians focus on crime as the main problem : Why did politicians focus on crime as the main problem plaguing America when most Americans did not view it as a major problem
Discuss your personal reaction to the article : Summarize the major tenets of the article. Discuss a psychological theory that applies to the topic selected and describe how it relates
Is any dimension missing : Is any dimension missing (breadth)? Should any dimension be further specified into categories and sub-categories (depth)?
What are examples of types of early counseling : What are examples of types of early counseling intervention strategies for autism spectrum disorder? What is the efficacy of those intervention strategies
What is consequence that is brought about by artificiality : what is the consequence that is brought about by artificiality in the legal system (over-subtlety)? Please give some insight not only on the construction
Why would the role parent substitute be a struggle : why would the role parent substitute be a struggle. If you include setting boundaries and expectations, please be specific, simple, and clear.
Elaborate on the importance of sound ethical decisions : Elaborate on the importance of sound ethical decisions in business and discuss the FOUR (4) considerations / requirements that can be utilised by Transnet


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