Reference no: EM131447847
Topic Is a Career in Aviation(pilot) worth the sacrifices.
Annotated Bibliography Assignment
Locate as many sources as you can find in the college databases, library, or non-print sources, such as videos, interviews, etc. Next, create an annotated bibliography for five of your sources. An annotated bib is a form of a working bibliography and is a list of tentative sources you might use in the final draft of your research paper. A annotated bib contains your summary and your reflection of each source.
As you locate potential sources, using your Harris text, pp. 405-434, the citation generator in Proquest, EBSCO, etc., or any other tool to help you document your entries, create a properly formatted MLA entry for each source. Next, choose your top five sources and create an Annotated Bibliography-see sample entry on pp. 367 (Harris).
Grading Criteria
1. The document is formatted in MLA.
2. All bibliographic citations are formatted in MLA and are academic and scholarly sources mainly from our college databases. Researcher's bib contains a minimum of five sources.
3. Annotation contains a detailed abstract of each source.
4. Entry contains a short reflection about the significance of the article and its relevance for your research project.
5. Abstract and reflection demonstrates proper grammar and punctuation.
- Locate academic sources from the college databases
- Start creating an Annotated Bibliography for your Research Paper. The Research Paper Rough Draft will be due in Unit 3
- Develop a thesis statement for your research paper
- Start drafting your Argumentative Research Paper
- To start this project, first, locate as many sources in the LCCC library databases as possible. You can certainly use any print sources, books, periodicals, etc., but I'd like you to find most of your sources in the library databases: Proquest, EBSCO, etc. You have gained some valuable experience using the databases by completing the Library Skills Assignment, and your future professors will expect you to know how to locate academic sources in the databases. Try to avoid using source from the World Wide Web. Most profs, especially at the bigger colleges and universities, will not accept World Wide Web sources, and often return or fail drafts. Therefore, always ask your prof is you can use Google sources. I will check for use of non-academic sources in your Annotated Bibliography and Research Paper, and use of non-academic sources can negatively affect your grade.