Ip subnet design project-technical design of network service

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM1380825


Each student will create a detailed, unified technical design of network services given the scenario. Prepare a  report with a length of at least 1000 words and with at least one detailed diagram created by the student.


You are a consultant being brought in by XUMUC to assist with its merger with another company.


XUMUC has the WAN links in place to the new locations in the Houston Region. XUMUC currently has 2 other Regions San Francisco and Denver. Originally, XUMUC was only in one region (San Francisco). The previous consultant did a poor job with the integration resulting in a poor IP address scheme as a result routing tables at the summarization points and at the San Francisco Campus are very large.

In addition, no VLAN structure was developed to isolate broadcast traffic. There are 4 main departments in XUMC: sales, finance, human resources, and research and development. Also, there has been some concern that the WAN transport was not able to accommodate the network traffic. Finally, all addresses in the network are statically assigned resulting in high administration overhead when changes are made. XUMC would like this changed to lower administrative overhead.

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Reference no: EM1380825

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