Involving the ability to explore the problem

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Reference no: EM13506099

Critical Thinking and Ethics

Angel Maldonado

Warnick and Inch, communication scholars, define critical thinking as "involving the ability to explore the problem, question, or situation; integrate all the available information about it; arrive a solution or hypothesis, and justify one's position." While ethics is more like your morals to which you believe is right or wrong. But how do these two go hand in hand? People use critical thinking and ethics more than they realize. Let's say there's a lady walking ahead of you in the grocery store and drops some money on the floor. Do you pick it up and give it back to her or finders keepers loser's weepers? Sure you might be low on cash, or you could use some extra food, but is it morally right? This is where your critical thinking steps plays your role with your ethical standards. Remember when you dropped that money out of your pocket and how upset you were? You will understand how she is going to feel when she reaches in her pocket to discover her money is gone and analyze the situation like what if that was my money that just fell? Evaluating such situations and doing what's ethically right in situations such as this creates your ethical standards. If more people used these critical thinking methods both professionally and in society, this world would be in a lot better place. Instead of "oh look I found money" and pocket it, helps bring our society together and help one another. Or a police officer using excessive force in an uncalled for situation is are some examples of how it plays a role in both.

My ethical lens is being sensible and listen to my intuition to determine the greatest good for each individual. I try to see the good side in everybody and always stand up to what I believe is right. I'm always willing to help somebody in need no matter what the situation may be. Although I don't agree with all of my ethical lens findings. I do agree with my blind spot. I do get overly self-confident with my independence. I am a free bird and tend to do things my way. I do occasionally become complacent and leave people to fend for themselves when I feel satisfied in some situations. I am set in my own standards in what I think is right and refuse to break when others don't agree. I think everyone is entitled to their own opinions and ethical standards. But there is no one size fits all when it comes to any situation so I often become prudent in my decisions when I'm persuaded to think another way. My personal decisions are always made solely on what I think it ethical for everybody in every situation. Instead of acting out of impulse and having to fix my mistakes later when you realize what may have become of the situation at hand.

Reference no: EM13506099

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How many units should purchased in second quarter in total : How many units should be purchased in April, May, and June? How many units should be purchased in the second quarter in total?


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