Reference no: EM132266587
PART 1: Group Project
Investors Financial Management Business Analysis Report
• The Financial Management MGT 704 project aims to develop your financial management analysis skills by exploring how a New Zealand public listed company manages all aspects of the company's finances. The Investors Financial Management Business Analysis Report creates alignment between a firm's financial management and investors.
• This is a research based group project and requires critical thinking and wide exploration of the financial management concepts studied in this course.
• You can work in group of 3-4 students.
• The reasonable length of Investors Financial Management Business Analysis Report falls within range of 2000-2500 words.
The group should assume that it is a Financial Investment Analysis Team that has been assembled to conduct a financial management analysis of any selected New Zealand public listed company using the most up to date published Annual Report of the organisation.
Your team has been approached by a potential investor who is looking to purchase shares in a New Zealand public listed company. The investor's request is that a New Zealand public listed company be selected and a comprehensive Investors Financial Management Business Analysis report is prepared based upon the latest published Annual Report of the selected company.
Examples of New Zealand public listed companies may be found on the New Zealand Stock Exchange (NZX). The published Annual Reports of New Zealand public listed companies may be sourced on the internet or directly from the company.
The project will culminate in your group presenting a written Investors Financial Management Business Analysis Report to be presented to a potential investor.
You are required to interpret the facts according to the theoretical frameworks covered in this course, and take a position on whether the potential investor should purchase shares in the selected company based upon the financial management analysis.
You have been exposed to a series of financial management analysis tools and techniques. Use these in your analysis! Your analysis must be thorough and complete. Even if the firm's financial management is performing well and there is general agreement with the financial management's strategy, you must evaluate this in relation to alternative courses of action that could be taken.
Your group should be thoroughly familiar with the organisation in question and collect primary and secondary data to support your findings.
PART 2: Individual Presentation
Create a PowerPoint Presentation based upon your Investors Financial Management Business Analysis Report covering all aspects of deliverables in Part 1.
The presentation should demonstrate that your team has developed expertise in creating an Investors Financial Management Business Analysis Report.
Each team has 10-15 minutes to present and each team member has to participate.
Although this is a group presentation, each group member's presentation skills and ability to answer questions from the class and a lecturer will be marked individually.
A few days prior to your presentation, each group is expected to upload a draft of the Investors Financial Management Business Analysis Report into MGT704 closed group on Face book.
It will allow you to incorporate any feedback received from the facilitator and other groups, and therefore to improve your Investors Financial Management Business Analysis Report. The final version of your Investors Financial Management Business Analysis Report has to be submitted on the day of the presentation session.
Attachment:- Project.rar