Investment strategy trading game

Assignment Help Portfolio Management
Reference no: EM13812666 , Length: 8

Investment and Portfolio Management - Investment strategy trading Game

Starting with a notional AED 100,000 you will build up your portfolio by investing in securities in the Abu Dhabi Stock Exchange (ADX) and the Dubai Financial Market (DFM). Trading period will be between Sunday 2/8/2015 till Thursday 20/8/2015. Your portfolio might include any number of stocks you wish. The main essence of the project is to trade, so sell whenever you feel the best time for selling and build up new investment centers. The objective of this project is to incorporate MBA students in the security investment world in the UAE. You are expected to be a risk averse investor (rational investor) and to implement what you studied in this course (Risk and return relationship, correlation and diversification, technical analysis).

It is important to note that successfully completing this project doesn't necessarily mean that you should build up a profitable portfolio. It is enough that you show that you have a rational strategic investment decisions based on knowledge and meaningful information.

Use the following two forms when you submit the project.

Reference no: EM13812666

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