Investigating either franchise or an existing business

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132099882

1. When evaluating and investigating either a franchise or an existing business, who are the professionals you should involve in this process and why.

2. How would you organize a project to develop a complex new product such as a new color fax–copy–scanner–printer machine? How would you organize if the product was simpler, such as a new flash drive?

3. Suggest ways in which marketers prepare themselves to handle unique marketing challenges and different customer characteristics that are encountered in international business.

Reference no: EM132099882

Questions Cloud

Write down correct expected value for each decision strategy : Write down the correct number of decision strategies that you can find from your tree. Write down the correct expected value for each decision strategy.
How you would make a business case for the management : Propose how you would make a business case for the management team, explaining why this is a needed component of the security program at the company.
What is balance in the allowance for uncollectible accounts : Karrier wrote-off customer accounts of $10,000 and recorded bad debt expense of $11,200. What is the balance in the allowance for uncollectible accounts
Do you think the peer-to-peer business model : Do you think the peer-to-peer business model is better than the traditional business model?
Investigating either franchise or an existing business : When evaluating and investigating either a franchise or an existing business, who are the professionals you should involve in this process and why.
What is the trend in the company net income : What's the financial statement and perform a horizontal analysis on the income statement. What is the trend in the company's net income
Today organizations taking to promote diversity : What steps are today's organizations taking to promote diversity, and are these efforts effective?
External monitoring is important for strategic leadership : Based on your readings and experiences as an emerging business professional, please discuss why external monitoring is important for strategic leadership.
Prepare a monthly cash receipts schedule for the firm : Sales in January and February were $41,000 and $39,000, respectively. Prepare a monthly cash receipts schedule for the firm for March through August


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