Reference no: EM131457934
(a) Which type of research design: (1) Exploratory, (2) Descriptive, or (3) Causal is appropriate for the following ten examples?
(b) Explain WHY you selected the design you did.
1. OSHA site visits are set to investigate various company locations to discover potential issues or problems.
(a) Type of Research Design: ( )
(b) Specifically, why did you choose this design?
2. The Smithsonian wants to know the age, gender, and annual salary of Members who select either the "Resident Partner" or select the "Resident Benefactor" levels of membership.
(a) Type of Research Design: ( )
(b) Specifically, why did you choose this design?
3. LL Bean wants to test whether using catalogs with soft fleece products featured on the cover increases overall sales among women living in urban areas.
(a) Type of Research Design: ( )
(b) Specifically, why did you choose this design?
4. Starbucks wants to profile its customers who frequent their stores in Orange County, California answering the questions about: 1) who buys their products?, 2) what is purchased?, 3) how much is purchased?, 4) when are the purchases made?, and 5) where are the purchases made?
(a) Type of Research Design: ( )
(b) Specifically, why did you choose this design?
5. A hospital wants to investigate if using a new MRI will boost their rate of accurate, early detection of cancerous tumors.
(a) Type of Research Design: ( )
(b) Specifically, why did you choose this design?
6. A marketing company wants to test hypotheses about various key characteristics about a population.
(a) Type of Research Design: ( )
(b) Specifically, why did you choose this design?
7. UOPX faculty members use a focus group to generate new ideas for improving student learning in the online setting.
(a) Type of Research Design: ( )
(b) Specifically, why did you choose this design?
8. Procter & Gamble conducts phone surveys with consumers to determine key demographics of potential users of a brand of paper towels.
(a) Type of Research Design: ( )
(b) Specifically, why did you choose this design?
9. Hilton Hotels investigates the kind of amenities that might be most appealing to guests.
(a) Type of Research Design: ( )
(b) Specifically, why did you choose this design?
10. The US Government is investigating whether military spending causes a decline in a country's GDP Growth.
(a) Type of Research Design: ( )
(b) Specifically, why did you choose this design?