Reference no: EM131299215
Activity 2:
The SPSS data "Age and fat" (available on the NILE) contains data from Mazess et al (1984)*research which investigated a new method of measuring body composition. It gives the body fat percentage, age and gender for 18 normal adults between the ages of 23 and 61 years. Are age and % fat related, and if so, in what way? There is correlation.
* Mazess RB, Peppler WW and Gibbons M (1984) Total body composition by dual-photon (153Gd) absorptiometry, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 40, 834-839.
Activity 3:
Many people love their mobile phones, which is rather worrying given some recent controversy about links between mobile phone use and brain tumours. The basic idea is that mobile phones emit microwaves, and so holding one next to your brain for large parts of the day is a bit like sticking your brain in a microwave. If we wanted to test this experimentally, we could get six groups of people and strap a mobile phone on their heads (that they can't remove). Then, by remote control, we turn the phones on for a certain amount of time each day. After six months, we measure the size of any tumour (in mm3) close to the site of the phone antennae (just behind the ear). The six (theoretical) groups experienced 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 hours per day of phone microwaves for six months. The data are in the SPSS file "Tumour.sav" (available on NILE). Investigate the relationship between tumour size and phone use using an ANOVA.
Summarise your findings and conclusions. Add your SPSS output content in Appendix III of your work.
There is difference, reject the hypothesis
Assessment Submission
Your assignment must be word processed and presented in a report format with simple headings.
The Assignment report should have a Front Sheet showing your name, your student number, the module name, the module number, the assignment title, the module tutor's name, the date and the word count.
The assignment will be submitted, graded and fed-back electronically via TURNITIN. Several submissions will be permitted before the hand-in date in order to enable you to refine the content in your report.
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Attachment:- Tumour - Age and fat.rar