Investigate the development on massive mimo technology

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM13833639

Wireless Network & Security


Assignment Overview:

Your lecturer will choose a topic out of three to prepare a research report about it. Use the instructions within the topic to prepare the report. The object of this assignment is to improve your knowledge about the cute edge wireless technologies and your critical thinking about them. The assignment will also increase your knowledge regarding practical implementation of those technologies in enterprise setup.

Topic 1-

Investigate the cloud-managed wireless networks and compile a brief report of around 1400 words. Your references may come from websites, white papers, government documents or published conference or journal papers.

Topic 2-

Investigate the emerging wireless broadband services available in Australia and compile a brief report of around 1400 words. Your references may come from websites, white papers, government documents or published conference or journal papers. Your report should include brief descriptions of underlying technologies and protocols, bandwidth and QoS issues, recommended usages and the geographical areas covered as well as any other relevant information on such networks. Please ensure that you understand the term wireless broadband first before you undertake your literature research.

Topic 3-

Investigate the development on massive MIMO technology and prepare a brief report of around 1400 words. Your references may come from websites, white papers, government documents or published conference or journal papers. Your report should include brief descriptions of given points below. Please ensure that you understand the term MIMO technology first before you undertake your literature research.

Your report should include only the body (about 1200 words), conclusion (about 200 words) and the reference list (in addition to table of contents and introduction). Use the sub-headings given in the template and include in-text references in the body of the report. Use IEEE style of referencing for the list of references and in-text references.

Reference no: EM13833639

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