Investigate levels of psychological distress

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Reference no: EM133594042

The University of Melbourne's Human Research Ethics Committee receives a proposal from a team of psychology researchers to investigate levels of psychological distress in adults living in greater Melbourne in the two weeks following the Voice to Parliament referendum. The researchers aim to recruit a sample that reflects the cultural diversity of the population, including First Nations people. All respondents will be asked to complete the same survey. The survey will i) gather demographic information (including First Nations background); ii) seek opinions about the Voice to Parliament referendum; and iii) administer the Kessler 10-item psychological distress scale.

1. Researchers are responsible for designing research to minimise the risks of harm or discomfort to participants. In your opinion, do you think the 'risk of harm and discomfort' is the same for the non-Indigenous and First Nations adults participating in this study? In framing your response, consider 1) Chapter 2.1 of the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research, 2) the NHMRC Guidelines for Ethical Research with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, and 3) the APS Apology to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

2. Researchers have included steps to minimise foreseeable harm by including an option for research participants reporting high or very high levels of distress to receive a follow-up phone call from a psychologist. Explain how the First Nations Framework of Social and Emotional Wellbeing (SEWB) should inform the way psychologists offer telephone support to First Nations participants who report high or very high distress in this study.

Reference no: EM133594042

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