Reference no: EM131261963
Describe the bases commonly used to segment consumer markets. Five bases are commonly used for segmenting consumer markets. Geographic segmentation is based on region, size, density, and climate characteristics.
Demographic segmentation is based on age, gender, income level, ethnicity, and family life-cycle characteristics. Psychographic segmentation includes personality, motives, and lifestyle characteristics. Benefits sought is a type of segmentation that identifies customers according to the benefits they seek in a product. Finally, usage segmentation divides a market by the amount of product purchased or consumed.
1. Choose magazine ads for five different consumer products. For each ad, write a description of what you think the demographic characteristics of the targeted market are.
2. Investigate how Delta Air Lines ( uses its Web site to cater to its market segments.
3. Is it possible to identify a single market for two distinctly different products? For example, how substantial is the market composed of consumers who use Apple and who drive Volkswagens? Can you think of other product combinations that would interest a single market? (Do not use products that are complementary, like a bike and a bike helmet. Think of products, like the iPod and the car, that are very different.) Complete the following sentences and describe the market for each set of products you pair together.
How are visitors to the site segmented
: Go to the Web site How are visitors to the site segmented when seeking relevant job openings?
Explain the importance of market segmentation
: Explain the importance of market segmentation. - Describe market segmentation in terms of the historical evolution of marketing.
Discuss criteria for successful market segmentation
: Discuss criteria for successful market segmentation. - Write a memo to your client discussing your evaluation of the kids' segment in terms of the four criteria for successful market segmentation.
What training will need to be done prior to implementation
: What type of vendor support and vendor maintenance will you need after implementation? How long will this be needed? Write 5 questions that your facility can ask about the product the vendor will present to you as you start your vendor interviews a..
Investigate how delta air lines uses its web site
: Choose magazine ads for five different consumer products. For each ad, write a description of what you think the demographic characteristics of the targeted market are.
Describe the bases for segmenting business markets
: Describe the bases for segmenting business markets. - Write a description of how you think the company has segmented its business market.
Describe the predictor variable and levels
: Identify a research question from your professional life or research interests that could be addressed by a one-way ANOVA. Indicate why a one-way ANOVA would be an appropriate analysis for this research question. Describe the predictor variable an..
Describe the predictor variable and levels
: Identify a research question from your professional life or research interests that could be addressed by a one-way ANOVA. Indicate why a one-way ANOVA would be an appropriate analysis for this research question. Describe the predictor variable an..
Compare presentation of womens fashions at the web sites
: Form a team with two or three other students. Create an idea for a new product. Describe the segment (or segments) you are going to target with the product and explain why you chose the targeting strategy you did.