Investigate cyber threat intelligence

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM131433715

Thesis Proposal

Project title is "Optimal risk assessment using cyberthreat intelligence semantic modeling"

Investigate Cyber threat Intelligence (CTI) feeds as a mean to improve the risk assessment process.

The process and register improvements and limitations of its adaptation in traditional risk assessment methodologies.

Propose is: an automated tool that incorporates these elements to produce an output with regards to risk treatment and risk appetite threshold for a given company.

Verified Expert

The proposal form has been filled for the title " optimal risk assessment using cyber threat intelligence semantic modeling" for nearly 1000 words. It provides the aim, artefact, the tools that will be used in the semantic modelling.

Reference no: EM131433715

Questions Cloud

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Investigate cyber threat intelligence : Project title is "Optimal risk assessment using cyberthreat intelligence semantic modeling - Investigate Cyber threat Intelligence (CTI) feeds as a mean to improve the risk assessment process.
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Discuss four components of a valid contract contract : Discuss the four components of a valid contract and apply them to a contract with a vendor to purchase a new CT scanner. What would you include in the contract? How would you be sure it would be valid?
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3/27/2017 4:28:51 AM

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3/27/2017 4:27:28 AM

Please hire the best experienced & professional tutor for this assignment. Make sure the tutor knows it the way to do thesis.I want your support in the submission of my MSc thesis propsal of 1000 words. My project title is (" optimal risk assessment using cyberthreat intelligence semantic modeling ") I attached some good files about the project investigate Cyber threat Intelligence (CTI) feeds as a mean to improve the risk assessment process. The process and register improvements and limitations of its adaptation in traditional risk assessment methodologies. Notes: What I want to propose is: an automated tool that incorporates these elements to produce an output with regards to risk treatment and risk appetite threshold for a given company (I will decide later). Please tell the tutor look to proposal form first to get idea.. then please write as what I mention in email what is my view and thought of the my MSc project For further information please let me know 22024397_1MSc Project Proposal Form and Ethics Form 1.docx

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