Reference no: EM131457987 , Length: word count:1450
Literature Review
Your report should be between 1000-1200 words.
The aim of this task is to demonstrate your ability to find useful resources regarding current research in an area of professional interest to you, as well as your ability to convey information in a written form about those resources and structure a short report, including Harvard referencing.
The learning outcomes covered by this task include:
- Research the literature, and compare viewpoints and arguments and identify gaps in knowledge.
- Interpret and critically evaluate previously published material in a formal literature review.
The Task
For this task you will need to investigate current research trends in an area of interest to you. This could be a broad or narrow area; the area will need to be defined. Try to identify themes or ideas that you come across, for example, are there particular topics that are popular, or is there a key problem that has many different possible solutions? Your report needs to be structured so that someone not familiar with your area of interest can follow it. Formatting and Referencing Style
The report should follow these guidelines:
- A cover page and table of contents should not be included.
- IEEE format can be used. In that case, the report should use the IEEE template and references should be in IEEE style. Your student name and number must be clearly noted at the top of the report. A word count should be included at the end of the report (before references).
- Otherwise, the report should be presented using 12pt font with 1.15 or 1.5 line spacing. The report should have a heading in a larger font size, followed by your name and student number in 12pt font. If not using the IEEE format, then Harvard (preferably Swinburne) referencing is expected. A word count should be included at the end of the report (before references). Each page should have a footer with your student number, name and a page number.