Investigate current research developments to identify areas

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM132634922 , Length: 13000 Words


• Produce a dissertation in writing that poses and answers a specified question or questions relating to pharmaceutical business and technology content, policy, and/or structures, utilising appropriate methodologies.
• Demonstrate a commitment towards professionalism and self-evaluation in all aspects of their work.

Learning Outcomes

• Identify and fully exploit available and emerging research resources in the conduct of their investigation to support and direct their research methodology or techniques.
• Complete significant research into specialist topics and present findings/insights/hypotheses which reflect a mastery of the concepts and techniques involved.
• Research information needs using a variety of sources.
• Investigate current research developments to identify suitable areas for further research.
• Draw on insights and skills developed on the taught stages of the programme to produce a significant piece of research and / or develop an application of professional / institutional relevance.
• Integrate complex procedures and techniques to exacting professional standards.
• Demonstrate an ability to write coherently and present information in a professional manner to the required academic level.
• Exhibit the awareness necessary to become skilled reflective academic practitioner.

Each student must complete a dissertation proposal using the attached template for validation by the MSc programme board. Proposals should state clearly what is intended to be developed and offer a review of current research in the area. A dissertation proposal should be more than just a documented idea. Students must demonstrate that they have carried out some research on their proposal and have considered the appropriateness, technical complexity, feasibility and scope of their proposed dissertation. Once the proposal is approved, the student will be appointed a supervisor/supervisors.

In developing their dissertation proposal, it is expected that the students will draw directly on the material and techniques presented and advanced in the related research module.
They should be able to demonstrate : Project planning and management skills related to the gathering, analysis and professional presentation of research findings.
• The ability to correctly identify, select and apply research methodologies and techniques appropriate to the dissertation under investigation.
• Ability to develop their personal development skills of communication, both written and oral.

Students undertaking a dissertation should produce a research proposal under the following headings:
• Proposed Title
Consider this a working title. It is likely that your proposed title may change as your research develops and your research questions are refined.
• Aims and objectives
This is a useful section and is generally succinct and to the point. Be clear here as to what you want toachieve with your project. Having more than three or four objectives would not be achievable in the timeframe.
• Literature Review
The literature review can and should change in your finished dissertation but at the proposal stage it should detail the extent of research already undertaken and also identify areas of further research.
• Proposed Methodology
This section should detail how you intend to carry out your research and should justify why you are using those particular methods.
• Students should identify any potential challenges and/ethical dilemmas
• A Bibliography should be included in all proposals. The bibliography does not form part of the suggested word count.

Topic - Analysis of Human Error Root Causes in Pharmaceutical Root Cause Management

Reference no: EM132634922

Questions Cloud

Identify the global maximum of a profit function : Under what conditions will Excel's Nonlinear Solver be guaranteed to identify the global maximum of a profit function?
Prepare a partial amortization table showing : Prepare A partial amortization table showing (1) the original balance of this loan, and (2) the allocation of the first two monthly payments
What recommendation would you make : What recommendation would you make if he had to borrow 25% of the required capital, on the basis of a 10-year amortization with interest of 18%
Identify other agencies that might be involved : Identify other agencies that might be involved. The assignment should be submitted in PowerPoint format, with at least 10 content slides.
Investigate current research developments to identify areas : Demonstrate a commitment towards professionalism and self-evaluation in all aspects of their work - Complete significant research into specialist topics
What are marketable securities : What are marketable securities? List two examples.
Why cash flows differ from net income : Why cash flows differ from net income?
Prepare the journal entries to record the transactions : Activon Co. was organized on January 1, 2020. It is authorized to issue 110,000 shares of 6%, Prepare the journal entries to record the transactions
What is the beginning cash balance : A company has CFO = 10, CFF = 92, CFI = 0, and ending cash balance is $200, what is the beginning cash balance?


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