Investigate construction material performance properties

Assignment Help Civil Engineering
Reference no: EM132371912

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO 1 Review health and safety regulations and legislation associated with the storage, handling and use of materials on a construction site.

Assignment Brief and Guidance:

You have recently been employed as a civil engineering technician by a local contractor, The company has recently appointed a new Managing Director who has decided to focus on improving the company's awareness of health and safety practices.

Recently there have been a number of accidents and dangerous occurrences relating to site activities involving storage, handling and use of materials. To ensure all the staff are aware of the importance of health and safety associated with the storage, handling and use of materials on site the Managing Director has asked you to prepare a 15 minute presentation (with a set of notes) on how to improve health and safety by sourcing relevant legislation and identifying risks associated with material storage, handling and their use. The presentation should consist of three parts:

Part 1- Regulations associated with the storage, handling and use of materials on site (such as HASAWA, CDM regulations, COSHH, PUWER, Manual Handling, PPE etc)

Part 2 - Risk Assessments and Method Statements (RAMS) how they can be used to manage risk associated with hazardous materials and activities

Part 3 - Finally, using the information from part I. and 2 select a particular site activity the company is regularly involved in and explain the legislation that applies and highlight how to plan and manage the activity safely.

(Agree suitable activity with tutor before starting presentation)

The submission comprises two related items:
1. A 15-minute verbal presentation, including slides (using PowerPoint or similar presentation software). There will be 5-10 minutes of questions and answers to follow and you are expected to be able to respond to questions with reference to your research, making use of slides to support your answers.

2. In addition, you should prepare a set of presentation notes for distribution to your audience, prior to the presentation. These notes should highlight 'key points' from your presentation. These should NOT be printouts of the presentation slides but edited to provide the audience with information to support their understanding of your presentation and to facilitate their questions after.

Any material that is derived from other sources must be appropriately referenced using a standard form of citation.

The final page(s) of your presentation notes should include a bibliography of any texts used in support of your research. This is to be presented according to an academic standard reference format.

Unit Learning Outcomes.
LO2 Discuss the environmental and sustainability factors which impact on and influence the material choices for a construction project
LO3 Present material choices for a given building using performance properties, experimental data, sustainabi•ity and environmental consideration

Assignment Brief and Guidance:


You have recently been employed as a civil engineering technician by a local contractor. The company has recently appointed a new Managing Director. As well as improving the health and safety record of the company the MD believes that future success will depend on ensuring the work and materials used are environmentally friendly and sustainable,


To highlight the importance of this the MD has requested that you produce a report.

Section 1

Select a suitable construction material and investigate its environmental impact over its full llecycle. Consider its embodied energy and explain the benefits of environmental product declarations and certification (BREFAM, LEED etc), Finally, produce a waste management plan for a project which involves a range of different waste materials.

Section 2
Investigate construction material performance properties, behaviour and consider their use.

(a) Material Testing
(1) highlight the mechanism, rationale and the British Standard guidance for the following 'fresh' concrete tests;
• Taking a sample
• The slump test
• The flow test
• The degree of compactibility test
• The process of making test cubes

(2) The following test results have been submitted from recent concrete cube tests (NI mrn,) at 28 days with required strength of 35 N/mm2
Based on this data provide the following information;
• Mean and standard deviation of the samples respectively.
• Interpretation of results using graphs (c.g, normal distribution curve etc.)





























(3) A tensile test was carried out on a specific material.
The Loadings have been recorded on an excel document however it is incomplete.
Complete the required catculations and enter your results in an excel spread sheet and plot the load/extension graph.
Using your results identify or determine: (Appendix 1)
• The elastic and plastic region
• The yield stress
• The ultimate or maximum stress
• The Modulus of elasticity of the material (Young's Modulus)

(4) Calculate the density of the supplied samples of materials based on measurement and weight, Record all your results.
Compare your results with researched published density information.

(b) Materials used for the construction and refurbishment of projects within our industry can be categorised as follows:

' Metals and Allays e.g. iron, steel, zinc, copper, brass, aluminium, lead etc. 'Timber and Timber products e.g. timber, plywood, IVIDF, particle board etc, "Clay Products e.g. bricks, tiles etc.
' Cements and Concrete e.g. OPC, RHPC, SRPC, concrete etc.
' Plastics and other artificial materials
"Coatings and finishes e.g. paints, clear finishes, wood treatments
From the categories select two (2) materials.
The materials selected must be from different categories.
For each of the materials selected, describe the properties and identify where and why they could be used within a construction project.

(c) Ail building structures have to carry loads. What is important is how the structure will react to various types of load acting on different parts of the structure. Initially the strength of a building should allow it to carry loads without failure of the construction.

1. Define the various types of loads that a structure must resist, When a member is loaded it is subjected to the following forces / effects.

2. Briefly describe, with the aid of sketches, how timber, steel and concrete are affected by the application of your identified loads/forces on a structure.

Finally prepare a 10-minute presentation for the MD which will illustrate how the use of sustainable practices and considerations for material choice can improve the environmental rating of a completed

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO4 Evaluate the performance of a given building in respect of its human comfort requirements.

Assignment Brief and Guidance:

You have recently been employed as a civil engineering technician by a Focal contractor. The company has recently appointed a new Managing Director. The MD is keen to improve the performance of the structures the company are designing and building and asked to carry out an investigation of the factors which influence human comfort and the thermal performance of the buildings.

The submission comprises two related items:

Section 1 -. Discuss the basic factors that affect human comfort and identify materials within in a building which can assist with achieving comfortable conditions for the inhabitants of the building.

Section 2 - Human Comfort Calculations
Human comfort factors are essential in buildings in which we occupy, therefore calculate the following to either establish values or achieve compliance;

Calculate the 'U' value for the cavity wall shown and given performance criteria;


Values of Thermal conductivity are in WimK.,
Lightweight Plaster 0.18
Aerated Concrete block 0.11
Insulation Board - 0.025
Brickwork 0.77

Standard Thermal Resistances in m2 K/W;
Internal surface 0.12
External surface 0.06
Cavity 0.18

Wall Specification:
External Brick 102.5mm
Air Gap 35mrn
Concrete Block 100rnm
Lightweight 12mm

Using the information calculated, and using the information below, calculate the following;
(i) Fabric heat loss
(ii) Ventilation heat loss
(iii) Total heat loss in kilowatts


Assume 1.5 air changes per hour

Floor 0.55
Roof 0.4
Windows 2.4
Door 1.65
Walls  as calculated

A workshop with 175 watt low pressure sodium vapour lamp at 3 metres above floor. The Sodium vapour lamp efficacy is 142.8 lumens per watt

Calculate illuminance directly below and 4 m to the side of lamp

This same workshop has just taken delivery of a new milling machine. It is intended that it will operate alongside another milling machine. Concern has been raised as to what impact the new machine will have on current sound levels.
Current Machine 80dB
New Machine 77dB

To ensure compliance you are to calculate the combined sound levels.

Create a 10-minute presentation which evaluates the use of passive or active strategies to minimise energy, materials, water and land use.

Attachment:- Science and Materals.rar

Reference no: EM132371912

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9/17/2019 2:26:59 AM

P1 Explain how regulations impact on the use, storage and handling of a selection of vocationally typical construction materials. P2 Explain material environmental profiling and life cycle assessment. Use a relevant material to exemplify your explanation, 13 3 Discuss the benefits of product declaration and environmental certification, P4 Present the results of relevant testing procedures to identify performance characteristics of selected construction materials, P5 Discuss the results in terms of the material properties and regulatory requirements, highlighting any unexpected results and why these may occur. --I P6 Select construction materials for a given building based upon their performance properties in use. P7 Present a material selection strategy with regard to human comfort requirements. P8 Using the selection strategy specify material choices for a selected area. Mi Assess how risk assessments can be used to address significant hazards posed by selected materials or activities.


9/17/2019 2:26:46 AM

P7 Present a material selection strategy with regard to human comfort requirements. P8 Using the selection strategy specify material choices for a selected area M4 Perform calculations which relate to a selected area (lux levels, u-values, acoustic and ventilation).


9/17/2019 2:26:30 AM

P2 Explain material environmental profiling and life cycle assessment. Use a relevant material to exemplify your explanation. P3 Discuss the benefits of product declaration and environmental certification. M2 Produce a waste management plan for a given project, taking into account a typical range of relevant waste materials.P4 Present the results of relevant testing procedures to identify performance characteristics of selected construction materials.PS Discuss the results in terms of the material properties and regulatory requirements, highlighting any unexpected results and why these may occur. P6 Select construction materials for a given building based upon their performance properties in use. M3 Assess the effects of loading structural materials and compare the behaviours and performance of materials which could be used for the same function.


9/17/2019 2:26:13 AM

P1 Explain now regulations impact on the use, storage and handling of a selection of vocationally typical construction materials.M1 Assess how risk assessments can be used to address significant hazards posed by selected materials or activities.LO2 Discuss the environmental and sustainability factors which impact on and influence the material choices for a construction project.

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