Investigate and report on the current state of organisation

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM13821814

Select one organisation of your choice. Investigate and report on the current state of this organisation (as per material covered in these chapters) and make suggestions for improvements that the organisation could adopt to improve their security. If you are working at this organisation, please make sure NOT to divulge any sensitive information (you may wish to check online what information is made public by the organisation to ensure this). While the scope is reflected you are allowed to use journal articles to support your statements.

Provide the URL, values, vision, and mission statement as an appendix.

Write a research paper and organise it in the following way:
• Title (you are required to decide your paper's title)
• Your name and student number
• Abstract (about 100 words)
• Introduction
• Body context (you could divide into several sub-sections if required)
• Conclusion
• References.

Reference no: EM13821814

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