Investigate and identify customer characteristics

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131760529 , Length: word count : 2200

Marketing Research

For this coursework, you will complete and report on a quantitative marketing research project (details given below).

Overview of the research project

This marketing research project is intended to explore customer insights on the retail firm Dunelm in Bangor, in order to provide the store manager with valuable information that could be utilised to improve customer loyalty.

To give the management an understanding of what
customer loyalty means in their situation, factors that might drive loyalty are identified. These potential drivers include the customer perceived value dimensions (price, quality, social, emotional), trust, commitment, self-brand connection, service quality and customer

[In order to understand these concepts, if not already covered during the programme, students are expected to conduct a google scholar search and read a few key journal articles which discuss them.]

Brief facts of Dunelm in Bangor

Dunelm furniture store in Bangor offers a wide range of quality home products at local prices. From curtains and cushions to bedroom furniture, bedding and sofas, customers can find furnishing inspiration for their house. Dunelm store can be conveniently reached by car and
public transport.

As an alternative, Dunelm assure their customers that there is no need to visit all the furniture stores in Bangor when trying to track down a specific item. Instead, they can try to use Dunelm's "Reserve and Collect" service, which allows the customers to shop online in the comfort of their own home.

Within hours, the customers can have their purchase ready for collection in the store. There is an in-store café where they offer a range of tasty sandwiches, and a selection of hot and cold beverages.

Purpose of the Report

The main aim of the research is to investigate and identify customer characteristics and their perceptions that would have an impact on customer loyalty.

To this end, a survey was commissioned and undertaken by an independent Marketing Research agency, whereby a
random sample of 125 customers of Dunelm was interviewed within the store.

In order to achieve the above research aim, specific research objectives have been set as follows:

1. Provide Dunelm with a better understanding of the views, attitudes and general characteristics of their customers.

2. (a) Identify an ideal (most loyal) customer profile in terms of specific customer characteristics, and (b) additionally, identify the key customer perceptions that would lead to higher levels of customer loyalty.

3. Identify (potential) distinct customer segments.

Reference no: EM131760529

Questions Cloud

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What is a portfolio or electronic portfolio : What is a portfolio or electronic portfolio?How can an electronic portfolio or portfolio be used to showcase your skills and experiences?
Investigate and identify customer characteristics : ASB-4523: investigate and identify customer characteristics and their perceptions that would have an impact on customer loyalty.
Discuss adjusting entries were made in the journals : During the year, the accounting department prepared monthly statements but no adjusting entries were made in the journals
How business owners can use financial statement ratios : Use the Internet to research an annual report of a retail company. Discuss how business owners and leaders can use financial statement ratios to make decisions.
What interstate was trying to do in its restructuring : What Interstate was trying to do in its restructuring after all the acquisitions? Were they successful? Identify what factors would impede the restructuring.
What is administrative law : What is administrative law? What are the sources of administrative law? Can you think of some examples of administrative agencies that regulate business.


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