Reference no: EM132920178
The rising issue of sexual abuse has not been a new thing in the today's society. Sexual abuse causes a wide range of problems for both genders in the society. Over the years, a lot of people have been able to use social media - a digital media technology, as a means to expose the spread of sexual abuse, while di?erent people have been able to come out to share their stories. Many people feel that reporting and speaking up on their cases may cause them a high rise in trauma, depression and anxiety.
According to research, children between 12-34 years are being sexually abused each year in the United States. Of which majority of these victims are usually women, whilst the men are also sexually abused but they never discuss this.
In as much as there are government bodies that encourages people to report cases like this, sometimes, the process of reporting could be more traumatic than the event itself. Also, according to research, some victims do not feel safe sharing their story physically to people who may judge them based on what happened, be it family members or friends as it is way risky knowing the majority of the abuse cases are committed by people of which the victims know.
- This project aims to investigate and combat the issue of sexual abuse and also, assist in the support of how the victims can create a record of unwanted sexual assault privately.
- It also serves an ability for the victims to anonymously have a chat with a psychotherapist, this would help victims dealing with trauma. Of which all of these is to be done through a mobile application.
- All cases recorded would be linked to the Department of Rape Crisis Centre for documentation purpose.
- To educate young ones on sex while growing up. Methodology
- Interview and surveys will be conducted and evaluated.
- Information sources will be both primary and secondary.
- The research method for the project would be qualitative and quantitative.
Attachment:- Project.rar