Intrusion of self-serving government regulators

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Reference no: EM13942603

Question 1

1. Which of the following shows best use of APA style?

A.There were 14 boys and 16 girls who were the participants in the study of asthma.
B.Fourteen boys and 16 girls participated in the asthma study.
C.A total of fourteen boys and sixteen girls were asthma study participants.
D.There were some 14 boys and some 16 girls who were chosen to be the participants in the study of asthma that took place.

Question 2

1.Which of the following shows best use of APA style?

A.The effect of the unnecessary intrusion of self-serving government regulators has been that dentists have been more and more controlled in their ability to make a decent living.
B.Government regulation has fostered resentment among some dentists concerning their income (Simpson & Flanders, 2011).
C.I feel that government regulators have stopped dentists?from making a decent living.
D.The effect of the unnecessary intrusion of self-serving government regulators has been that dentists have been more and more controlled in their ability to make a decent living (Simpson & Flanders, 2011).

Question 3

1.Which of the following shows best use of APA style?

A.Maslow (1943), in his hierarchy of needs, states that the highest level of fulfillment is self-actualization.??
B.Maslow, in his hierarchy of needs, states that the highest level of fulfillment is self-actualization.?
C.Maslow (1943), in his hierarchy of needs, stated that the highest level of fulfillment is self-actualization.?
D.Maslow, in his hierarchy of needs, stated that the highest level of fulfillment is self-actualization.?

Question 4
1.Which of the following is true about writing with academic integrity?

A.As long as you cite the source you don't have to worry about plagiarizing.
B.You can copy and paste anything from the Internet as long as you show the URL.
C.If you plagiarize at Walden because it's late and your paper is due, your Instructor will understand and let it go, as long as you express remorse.
D.Writing with integrity is more than citing the source. If you are quoting an author directly, you must use quotation marks and show the page or paragraph number of the original.

Question 5
1.Which of the following shows correct use of APA style?

A.Simpson, H., & Flanders, N. (2011). Effects of regulation on dentists' salaries.Journal of Dental Health Economics, 14(2), 456467. doi: 10.128y7f98.i9df
B.Simpson, H., and Flanders, N. (2011). Effects of Regulation on Dentists' Salaries. Journal of Dental Health Economics, 14:2, 45667. doi: 10.128y7f98.i9df
C.Simpson, H., et al. (2011). Effects of regulation on dentists' salaries. Journal of Dental Health Economics, 14(2), 456467. doi: 10.128y7f98.i9df
D.Simpson, H., & Flanders, N. Effects of regulation on dentists' salaries.Journal of Dental Health Economics, 14(2), 456467. doi: 10.128y7f98.i9df

Question 6

1.Which of the following shows correct use of APA style?

A.Nearly sixty percent of the nursing students favored joining a trade union.
B.Nearly 60 percent of the nursing students favored joining a trade union.
C.Nearly 60% of the nursing students favored joining a trade union.

Question 7
1.Which of the following shows correct use of APA style?

A.Gonzales, Jones, & Harbaugh (2010) theorized that inmates serving life sentences have poor oral hygiene habits because of their sense of hopelessness.
B.According to Gonzales, Jones and Harbaugh (2010), inmates serving life sentences have poor oral hygiene habits because of their sense of hopelessness.
C.Inmates serving life sentences have poor oral hygiene habits because of their sense of hopelessness (Gonzales, Jones, & Harbaugh, 2010).

Question 8
1.Which of the following shows best use of APA style?

A.The disabled patients were screened for their eyesight, deafness, and cholesterol.?
B.The epileptic patients were screened for their eyesight, hearing, and cholesterol.?
C.The patients with epilepsy were screened for their eyesight, hearing, and cholesterol.??
D.The patients with epilepsy were screened for their eyesight, hearing and cholesterol.?

Question 9
1.In which sentence did the student NOT plagiarize the following paragraph? The paragraph was written by Jones (2011, p. 45).
The effect on young children under the age of 6 of watching horror movies would appear to be obvious. For ethical reasons, however, the available research is anecdotal rather than experimental.

A.The effect on young children under the age of 6 of watching horror movies would appear to be obvious. For ethical reasons, however, the available research is anecdotal rather than experimental (Jones, 2011).
B.Jones (2011) wrote that young children under the age of 6 who watch horror movies are obviously affected, but that there is little research on the topic because there have not been any experiments (p. 45).
C.How young children respond to horror movies has been little researched, largely because of ethical concerns (Jones, 2011, p. 45)
D.The effect on? children under the age of 6 of watching scary movies would appear to be obvious. For ethical reasons, however, the available research is anecdotal rather than experimental.??

Question 10
1.Which of the following sentences is true about APA style?

A.When writing in APA style, you should use as many words as possible and fill up your paper that you are writing because the very most important thing is that you need to reach the required word count or page count, so writing long, enormous sentences is the best way to do that.
B.An experienced writer using APA style can capture and maintain his or her reader's attention by writing concisely.
C.All academic writing is boring, but if you use contractions it'll help make your writing easier to read.
D.First person is never acceptable in academic writing, so always avoid it.

Reference no: EM13942603

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