Introduction to the case study - ford motor company

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131475837

Case - Ford Motor Company - 2009

Prepare the Case using given Template.

Contents -


  • Introduction to the company
  • Introduction to the case study
  • Company key strategist

Managerial study:


  • SWOT analysis
  • PEST analysis
  • Porter's forces
  • Human resource issues


  • Major managerial problem
  • Minor managerial problems

Marketing study:


  • Marketing strategies being followed
  • Positioning
  • Industry trend


  • Position on PLC
  • Position on BCG Matrix
  • Position on Ansoff's Matrix


  • Major marketing problem
  • Minor marketing problems

Operational study:


  • Hierarchy and chain of command
  • Supply chain
  • IT and ERP


  • Major operational problem
  • Minor operational problems

Financial study:


  • Ratio analysis
  • Interpretations
  • Trend analysis
  • Industrial
  • Horizontal
  • Vertical


  • Major financial problem
  • Minor financial problems



  • TOWS analysis
  • General recommendations

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Reference no: EM131475837

Questions Cloud

Explain how you would use these strategies to mitigate risk : Choose these strategies (interest-rate caps, floors, and collars). Explain how you would use these strategies to mitigate risk.
Project management techniques discussed in course content : How are the concepts different or similar to the Project Management techniques discussed in the course content?
Explain fundamental manner in which knowledge helpful : Determine the fundamental manner in which this knowledge could be helpful to a financial manager. Provide a rationale for your response.
What are the triggering levels : What are the triggering levels (rising or falling edge) of INT0 - INT2 upon power-on reset? Write a PIC18F assembly language program to activate the triggering.
Introduction to the case study - ford motor company : Case - Ford Motor Company - 2009. Overview: Introduction to the company, Introduction to the case study and Company key strategist
What are the benefits to the organization : What are the benefits to the organization of having a well developed cash budgeting plan? What are some of the risks of not having a sound cash management plan?
What is meant by two-key lockout and n-key rollover : What are the factors to be considered for interfacing a hex keyboard to a microcontroller?
Reflect on a patient who presented with a hematologic : Reflect on a patient who presented with a hematologic or metabolic disorder during your Practicum experience
Find the contents of given register to program timer : Find the contents of T0CON register to program Timer0 in 8-bit mode with 1:16 prescaler using the external clock, and incrementing on negative edge.


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