Introduction to programming logic

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Reference no: EM13766013

Introduction to Programming Logic

JoCo imports products from overseas vendors and sells them in a series of online retail stores. In the recent past, JoCo has experienced a significant amount of growth in their online marketplace. As a result of this growth, its Web sites are not functioning as well as they could be, resulting in poor customer experience. Customers are upset that their purchases are not arriving as stated, they aren't being shipped out at all, and in some cases, JoCo doesn't even have the item that was purchased.
JoCo has identified that to continue to compete, it must get better control of its inventory and shipping processes and integrate these improvements into its online retail store. To accomplish this, it has decided to hire you as a programmer to assist.

Assignment Details
Respond to the above scenario with your thoughts and ideas. In a paper of 1-2 pages, address the following:

  • How would you use programming concepts to address this problem?
  • What design concepts should be used?
  • Identify 2-3 programming principles that could be utilized.
  • List 1 example of how ethics may apply to this scenario.

Reference no: EM13766013

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