Introduction to neurological disorder

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Reference no: EM1354333

I need some assistance to help guide me through this task. I want to do project on a well documented historical case study of an individual who experienced a neurological disorder, disease, or accident that resulted in an interruption in his or her vision, hearing, or motor control. I need to create a presentation including the following:

• What neurological disorder, disease, or accident took place to interrupt this individual's ability?
• What behaviors were exhibited by this individual following the disorder, disease, or accident?
• What were the individual's deficits as a result of this disorder, disease, or accident?
• What treatments did the individual seek? Were any available at the time?
• What implications would a well documented historical case study of an individual who experienced a neurological disorder, disease, or accident that resulted in an interruption in his or her vision, hearing, or motor control have in terms of research? How did this help scientists and doctors better understand the disorder or disease? How did this case help scientists and doctors better understand how the brain works?

Reference no: EM1354333

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