Introduction to film qualifies as a course

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Reference no: EM131069264

Introduction to Film

An Introduction to Film Genres by Lester Friedman, David Desser, Sarah Kozloff, Martha P. Nochimson and Stephen Prince. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2014


Introduction to Film qualifies as a course that partially fulfills a student's LACC requirement. By the end of the course, students will:
1) be familiar with film as an art form that reflects the cultural context in which it was created, primarily in the United States
2) be familiar with different film genres and how each is distinct.
3) have seen examples of different genres and filmmaking techniques through watching film clips and full length feature films.

This course cannot cover all genres in film. It simply would take too much time. For instance, full-length animated features (e.g., Minions, Frozen, Inside Out), documentaries and comic book action hero films are genres that will not be covered individually but may be discussed relative to their influence and continued growth.


Please keep in mind that the class is significantly longer than most other classes. You may need to take a break while the class is in progress. Please do so as quietly as possible so as to not disturb your classmates. Cell phones should be turned off or put in airplane mode at the beginning of class. Do not text in class. Do not take calls in class. You may use laptops or tablets for the purpose of taking notes. The class time extends into the dinner hour. Feel free to bring light snacks and drinks but please bring only those consumables that will not create a mess and properly dispose of containers at the end of class.

Western Oregon University is dedicated to providing an open learning and working environment for all of its citizens. WOU is strongly committed to Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity in both policy and in spirit. The University will not tolerate harassment against any member of the campus community.

You will be seeing films throughout the course. Some of the films have unsettling images that are violent or sexual and may contain language that is raw and uncensored. The films that contain such images or language will be treated seriously. No alternative films will be granted. You should consider another class if you feel films of this nature might disturb you.

• The work you do outside of class related to this course is meant to prepare you for discussion and lecture in-class.
• Films are an important art form, just like theatre, music, dance, painting, sculpture and other creative expressions.
• One can have an emotional response to a film. This course is meant to help you learn how to reflect on that response and develop an informed intellectual response.
• You have particular responsibilities related to the course:

1) Complete the reading assignments in the textbook.

2) Study the PowerPoint slides that are posted on Moodle. Much of that material is based in the textbook. Be sure to view the film clips linked in the PowerPoint slides.

3) Study and know the filmmaking terms that are included at the conclusion of each PowerPoint.

4) Each PowerPoint will include discussion questions that are taken from the end of each chapter. Review them and be ready to offer comments based on those questions during class.

5) Watch the films that are shown in class and be ready to offer comments and observations about them.


• You will write two response papers to films that you see outside of class. Those will be due April 18 and May 16. Each paper is worth 15% of your course grade.


• A quiz will be given at the conclusion of each class beginning Monday, April 4.

• Each quiz is meant to test your knowledge and understanding of the topic for that week as presented in the text, the PowerPoint slides, the film clips linked in the PowerPoint slides, and in the film shown that night.
• There will be a total of eight quizzes. Each quiz is worth 6% of your course grade.
• The final examination will be cumulative and based on questions from the nine quizzes - but not exclusive to those quizzes. It will be worth 22% of your course grade. THE FINAL EXAMINATION WILL BE GIVEN MONDAY, June 6, IN YOUR CLASSROOM, FROM 4:00 - 5:50 P.M.
• Missed quizzes can be only be made up for particular reasons:

1) Illness: Please present a signed note from a health professional.
2) An official university event: Such events include intercollegiate athletic competitions that are identified in advance by a coach.
3) The death of an immediate family member: You should provide a copy of a funeral notice or obituary.
4) An event of significant consequence that is beyond your control and prevents you from getting to campus: You should expect to provide proof.
• If you must miss class, contact the instructor via email as soon as possible, but no later than 24 hours after the scheduled class time.


Response papers for this course serve two purposes. First, they provide a means for you to demonstrate and improve your written communication skills. Like all 100 level LACC courses, you are learning how to express your ideas in written form and this class supports that purpose. Second, the response papers provide a means for you to demonstrate that you are able to assimilate ideas from class and use them in your analysis of a film.


What to write about: (I already did one and I want to do just second one)

You will write two response papers based on films you see outside of class (do not write about films shown in class). It will be due on Monday, May 8. Films are made, first and foremost, to be seen on a big screen in a theatre with an audience. Don't write your papers based on films you watch at home on your television, computer, tablet or phone.Acceptable response papers will be based on films shown in movie theatres and that are currently playing (March - May). You may not use a film you saw before the class began. Choose films that are substantive and avoid those that are derivative (avoid sequels) or are based on simplistic plots. Neither should you choose animated features or nature films. The paper is meant to demonstrate what you have learned about films and how you responded to the film you saw.

The paper should be no shorterthan two typewritten, double-spaced pages and no longer than three typewritten, double-spaced pages.
Your paper should be divided into four parts, each one headed by the question that you see following the number below. Please note that the text below serves as an example. Like these, be sure to ground your opinion in specific references to the film and incorporate examples:

Part I. 20%

What is the film about and what is the filmmaker trying to express with the film?

For example, Bridge of Spies (2015) is a film based upon actual events from history. It tells the story of American attorney James B. Donovan who is asked to defend a Russian spy in his trial for espionage. Donovan loses the case but he convinces the judge not to sentence the spy to death but to life in prison. Later, the Russians shoot down an American U-2 spy plane piloted by Francis Gary Powers. Donovan suggests that a trade between Russia and the U.S. take place and bargains for Powers' release by handing over the convicted Russian spy. The title of the film refers to the bridge where their exchange took place. The film is about the tensions that were a part of everyday life during the Cold War between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. Bridge of Spies focuses on one event that was not widely known and it shows how the attorney, James B. Donovan, had such a strong faith in the equitable application of U.S. law that he was willing to apply it to a spy. The film shows that patriotism, like Donovan's, is not something that is widely publicized and that "doing the right thing" for one's country is not necessarily popular.

Part II. 20%
What are unique features of the film and how did the filmmaker use those features?
The Big Short (2015) tells the story of the U.S. financial crisis that resulted from the "housing bubble" in 2007-08. It deals with real people who were involved in discovering the housing bubble and how some exploited it for their own gain and how some tried to warn others about it. The story is quite complicated because it relies upon the audience understanding unusual financial instruments like "credit-default swaps" and "collateralized debt obligations". The director, Adam McKay, uses a unique technique to make those instruments understandable. Without warning, he inserts celebrities, like Selena Gomez and Anthony Bourdain, who appear as themselves. They "break the fourth wall" and speak directly to the audience and use every day language to explain the instrument. It is a highly effective and unusual technique.

Part III. 20 %

What reaction did you have to the film? Did you enjoy the film or not? You should avoid a simple "I didn't like the film." If you didn't like the film, analyze why. Was it the storyline, the plot, the acting, the way that the film was photographed, the music or a combination of any of these?

Mad Max: Fury Road is an action film that is an updated version of the original film, Mad Max. It takes place sometime in the future when petroleum has become a precious commodity and people will fight to the death to gain that resource or control over it. This film was very enjoyable for many people although it had an uncomplicated plot and little dialogue. It was enjoyable because George Miller, the filmmaker, made every scene dependent upon action first, dialogue second. The pacing of the film is relentless from the opening scenes and rarely gives the audience time to catch its breath. The images were unusual and the stars, Charlize Theron and Tom Hardy, develop a bond after Charlize' character, Imperator Furiosa, allows Tom Hardy's character, Max Rockatansky, to join her and fight against the domineering Immortan Joe, played by Hugh Keays-Byrne. Together, Imperator and Max demonstrate cooperation and commitment to overcome overwhelming odds. They are "underdogs" who gain the audiences' sympathy and provide an easy way to identify with the characters and their quest.

Part III. 20%

What do you think was the filmmaker's goal and did s/he achieve it?

The Martian is a film about astronauts exploring the planet Mars. They are taking samples of the planet's surface when they learn a terrific storm is coming their way. In their efforts to reach their escape vehicle, one of the astronauts, Mark Watney, is separated from the team and the commander of the group believes that he has been killed. She decides to leave with the rest of the crew without confirming that Watney is dead. The audience learns that Watney did not die. He survived and, through his talents and skills as a scientist, he continues to live but he has only a limited amount of life support. The mission support team on Earth realizes that he is alive and they mount a huge effort to rescue him. They build an additional space craft but it doesn't work and, when the returning team, who escaped the storm, is told that Watney survived, they all volunteer to put their own lives at risk save him. The filmmaker was trying to show the power of personal perseverance in times of adversity and the necessity of the community coming to the aid of the most vulnerable in times of crisis.


The final 20% of your grade for the Response Paper will be based on grammar and writing. You are urged to proofread carefully, correct misspelled words (do not trust "Spell Check") and use proper English grammar


Your grade for the class will be based on the following:
• Eight quizzes, 6% each 48%
• Two response papers, 15% each 30%

• Final examination 22%

Grades are assigned using the standard plus/minus system as follows:

A 93 and above C 73-77
A- 90-92 C- 70-72
B+ 88-89 D+ 68-69
B 83-87 D 63-67
B- 80-82 D- 60-62
C+ 78-79 F 59 and below

Reference no: EM131069264

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