Introduction the south african employment relations

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Reference no: EM133437516


Leonard and Kate are standing in line for the registration of their second-year modules at University of Cape Town. Looking at the first semester modules, they learn that they will be studying Employment Relations II. They are intrigued by this subject and their perceptions of it sparks a debate between the two of them.

Based on his background, coming from a working-class home, Leonard was not interested in doing the subject, as he believes that this subject involves the conflicting interests of workers and those who own the means of production. He insists that those who sell their labour are exploited, and that this has been the case for time immemorial. He defines his parents' work as "modern slavery" and is convinced that studying Employment Relations will not teach him anything new. He believes that the Capitalist system means that his parents is and will remain in an exploitative and inequitable relationship with the owners of wealth. He says that this subject can basically be defined as the study of modern slavery.

Kate has a different idea of the subject. While she agrees with Leonard that Employment Relations as a field of study is founded on the evolution of the employer-employee relationship, which revolves around the unequal distribution of wealth and income, she believes that Leonard's view on the topic is too narrow. kate perceives employment relations to be mainly about the employment relationship. This entails the participation of various actors, whose interaction is governed by the rules and regulations that ensures justice in the work environment. For Kate, Employment Relations is not just about the two actors - employees and employers. For her, the topic is more important trying to understand the current and future nature of work in South Africa and globally. For Kate, studying Employment Relations as a field of study will expose them to other related disciplines such as sociology, psychology, law and human resource management.

Rebecca is listening in on their debate and, having read the Introduction of the South African Employment Relations textbook in preparation for her studies, she joins in. She advises Leonard, in support of kate, that the study will also teach them about how the field of Employment Relations has developed over the years, what and who have influenced the field and why the module will be relevant for developing solutions for practical and modern work environments. Rebecca further advises Leonard that the problem of ensuring decent jobs and decent pay is not just a South African issue but that even the most developed countries still experience similar challenges. She feels that studying Employment Relations will help them to understand the principles underpinning the theory and practise of the field


Who are the "actors" that Dunlop refers to in his definition of the industrial relations system? Also extensively explain with references the primary roles of these actors in regulating their relationship.

Reference no: EM133437516

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