Introduction-science wars and policy wars

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Reference no: EM133637714


Towards the end of the first chapter of her book ("Introduction: Science wars and policy wars"), Heather Douglas outlines her critique to the value-free ideal of science.

  • She criticizes the value-free ideal because it is true.
  • She criticizes the value-free ideal because it is undesirable.
  • She criticizes the value-free ideal only because it is unattainable.
  • She criticizes the value-free ideal because nobody follows it.



Reference no: EM133637714

Questions Cloud

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Introduction-science wars and policy wars : ("Introduction: Science wars and policy wars"), Heather Douglas outlines her critique to the value-free ideal of science.
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Why would they do this instead of shooting pilot in a studio : According to the lecture, why would they do this instead of shooting the pilot in a studio or on a soundstage?
How do you write the stability of south sudan : How do you write the stability of South Sudan and the role of the Dinka tribe one of the factors contributing to this instability is the perceived dominance


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