Introduction and project outline

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133122146

Part 1: Introduction and Project Outline

Imagine you are the CEO of an international business and are opening a new operation in a specific emerging economy country. First, describe your fictional international business and an existing product. Then, identify and describe a real-world emerging market country where you will market the product. Next, provide a brief synopsis of your new international venture's operations (importing/exporting, manufacturing, franchising, joint venture). After this introduction, draft an outline based on the bulleted requirements below (Final Project section). Finally, search for relevant sources you plan to use (Bibliography section). Sources should be academic books, trade journal articles (e.g., Fortune), business news publications (e.g., Forbes, Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg Business week), international organizations (e.g., IMF, World Bank, IADB) and/or credible online sources.

Reference no: EM133122146

Questions Cloud

Potential contribution to field relevant to your research : Justify the expected significance of the proposed study by delineating its potential contribution to the field relevant to your research, professional practice,
New venture creation-projection of financial performance : This segment of your business plan is crucial in securing funding by enhancing your selling effort of your new venture to prospective investors, including banks
Research methodology-problem : Examine if the sample data follows a normal distribution using the Explore feature under the Descriptive Statistics in SPSS
Premise and conclusion of argument based on statistics : What is the premise and conclusion of the argument based on statistics? Determine whether or not the argument uses any deceptive statistics.
Introduction and project outline : Imagine you are the CEO of an international business and are opening a new operation in a specific emerging economy country.
Global leadership skills : What are some things that an aspiring global leader might be able to do to develop his or her global leadership skills?
Capitalistic economy : Many would argue that in a capitalistic economy, the government cannot provide goods and services as efficiently as the private sector.
Success or failure of product for company : Analyze marketing factors that can contribute the success or failure of a product for a company such as Vanda-Laye.
Define contracts and the importance of contracts : One type of negotiation dealing is with contracts. Define contracts and the importance of contracts


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