Introducing new service products

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133034760

Context Question

You are the CEO of a micro-sized rental and real estate firm. Your firm is part of a franchise. You initiated major changes in your firm's business (e.g. expanding into the real estate business and introducing new service products to new customer groups), which reflected the increasing competition in the rental and real estate market in your region. The situation created some tension between the manager and the employees during office meetings when new services were discussed.

A group of research invited your firm to take part in a 2-year study seeking to evaluate soft power and the role of emotions in decision-making using video-based observation methods. The objective of videography is to reconstruct situations where actions and interactions are difficult to observe and capture otherwise. The group of research proposed both "shadow observation" (just being there, without direct interference with daily tasks) to evaluate the day-to-day routine of employees and managers, and 15 h of video footage from various meetings in your firm.

What would be the benefits of taking part in this study, for the CEO, the manager, and the employees? What kind of decisions could you make from the findings of this study? What are the limitations and potential barriers related to the method?

Reference no: EM133034760

Questions Cloud

Formal and informal organisational communication channels : Identify and explain the terms formal and informal organisational communication channels
Business of folklore and marketing : What is the solution to symbols in business of folklore and marketing.
Describe strategy and strategic management process : Part A refers to the material in Lesson 1 of this course. Using logical, clear writing, do the following:
Quality of customer service : A hospital is another good example where constant improvements and competitiveness are needed to maintain their competitive edge, especially in larger cities wh
Introducing new service products : You are the CEO of a micro-sized rental and real estate firm. Your firm is part of a franchise. You initiated major changes in your firm's business (e.g. expand
What the amount of revenue recognized : Red Sox Construction Ltd. started a construction project for $4,500,000. What the amount of revenue recognized using the percentage completion method
Proposing an informational or analytical report : Please choose a topic and use creativity to flesh it out into a plan for an analytical report. Please use the headings below:
Describe the lloyd insurance market : 1. Describe the Lloyd's insurance market. 2. Outline how stock insurance companies use shareholder capital.
Application of roi in the stock valuation : What is your take-away of this part of reading; in particular, what's the building blocks of ROI?


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