Reference no: EM133208617
Consider the following scenario:
You and Jerry are colleagues at a respected design firm. You began dating soon after the office holiday party, when Jerry brought you drinks, danced with you, and admitted to being smitten. However, four months into your relationship, you decided that Jerry was too needy and controlling. You broke up with him.
Jerry hasn't taken the breakup well. He consistently bothers you at work. At first, he relentlessly asked you to reconsider and to go out with him again. You have repeatedly turned him down, but he has become increasingly angry and has now begun making sexual comments about you in front of coworkers. You also suspect he has been following you home at night. You are afraid. You have decided to file a complaint against Jerry with the Human Resources department, alleging harassment (HRHeroes).
Based on these four questions introduced earlier to help you make ethical decisions, analyze whether or not filing a complaint against Jerry will be in everybody's best interest:
Who will be hurt? How badly?
Who will benefit? How much?
What do you owe others, if anything?
What do others owe you, if anything?
Evaluate the resistance to these laws or the solutions
: Analyse the circumstances and issues that led to the formulation of the Twelve Tables, the Lex Oppia, the Lex Julia and the Lex Papia Popaea
Would you say that myths produced during middle ages
: Middle Ages (not about them) reveal more about unification of peoples or separation? Be sure to weigh the evidence of specific historical examples
How group of individuals turn into a political community
: What is sovereignty according to the initial, early modern conception of T. Hobbes? How group of individuals turn into a political community
What was the earlier mythological system of justice
: Explain the use of the Areopagus in Athens as a court for murder trials. What was the earlier mythological system of justice
Introduced earlier to help you make ethical decisions
: Introduced earlier to help you make ethical decisions, analyze whether or not filing a complaint against Jerry will be in everybody's best interest
What do the images he makes have in common
: What do the images he makes have in common with the stained glass or mosaics found in the churches during the Early Medieval Europe to Gothic periods
Identify and discuss the five formal elements
: Discuss the five formal elements (Choose from line, shape, color, texture, space, contrast, scale, balance, and emphasis) in detail of the painting
Compare and contrast the growth and developmental patterns
: Compare and contrast the growth and developmental patterns of two toddlers of different ages using Gordon's functional health patterns
Financial reporting and financial statements
: What is the difference between financial reporting and financial statements.