Reference no: EM132356953 , Length: word count:1500
Tourism Planning Environments Assignment - Critique & Comparison of Two Discussion Papers
Learning outcomes - On completion of this unit, students should be able to:
1. Identify, justify and interpret theoretical propositions, methodologies, conclusions and professional decisions and explain key terms and concepts associated with tourism planning and policy environments
2. Critically evaluate the range and interplay of factors shaping tourism planning processes and policy making
3. Apply creative, strategic and critical thinking to specialist problem-solving, be adaptive to new circumstances, and generate and evaluate complex ideas and concepts at both an abstract and practical level of tourism planning practice.
This assessment exposes you to the concept of a Discussion Paper - an important consultation tool used in tourism planning and policy development. Assuming the position of an independent tourism planning expert, you are required to source, critique and compare two publicly available discussion papers on topics of your choice. The policy cycle provides the framework for your critical evaluation of each individual paper and the structural comparison between them. Your assessment piece will conclude with a reflective section on lessons you learnt through doing this critique and how it might assist you in writing your own Discussion Paper.
Task - You are to assume the position of an independent tourism planning expert and are required to source, critique and compare two publically available tourism discussion papers on topics of your choice. These may be found online via a search of the internet or specific government sites. The policy planning cycle provides the framework for your critical evaluation of each individual paper and the comparison between them. Your assessment piece will conclude with a reflection section on lessons you learnt through doing this critique and how it might assist you in writing your own Discussion Paper.
In order to complete the task you are required to:
Identify and introduce two relevant tourism related discussion papers and highlight the key issues they address (6 marks).
Critique the structure of the discussion papers against the framework of the policy planning cycle.
Critique the content of the discussion papers with regards to sufficiency for relevant stakeholders.
Succinctly compare & contrast the two discussion papers with regards to structure, quality and effectiveness (i.e. your perception of the paper's effectiveness in communicating with the target audience).
Reflect on what you have learnt from this critique and comparison; how this assessment has/has not improved your awareness, professional skills and knowledge relating to tourism planning environments; and how it might benefit you in writing your own Discussion Paper.
Note - You can choose any 2 tourism discussion papers of your choice and get it approved from me and start working on it.
Attachment:- Tourism Planning Environments Assignment File.rar
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