Introduce the strategic planning process

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM133359240


For this assignment, incorporate the feedback that you received from your first assignment and add a second component that focuses on the set of skills that the leader needs in order to develop and implement the strategy.

Therefore, imagine that you are in the beginning stage of strategic planning in your chosen company and that you have been tasked with leading the strategic planning process.

This strategic planning process will take approximately the next 6 weeks to do. During this first week, you have gathered organizational leaders to introduce the strategic planning process. They have asked you to deliver a presentation on your initial thoughts to the really big questions.

You also want to guide them to work together over the next 5 weeks on gathering data so you can eventually have concrete and specific answers to the key tactical and operational questions.

For your meeting, a PowerPoint presentation to share with organizational leaders that summarizes your responses to the really big questions and introduces the key to tactical and operational questions, as well as a consideration of the skills that will be needed to accomplish this.

Be sure to include the following in your presentation:

1. Summarize the highlights of your responses to the strategic questions.

2. Communicate your initial thoughts to the key tactical questions. Your presentation should not focus on full and complete answers to these questions; rather it should be a presentation to the leadership to identify the most important considerations that your company must consider when answering these questions. What data must be gathered to answer these questions? What type of research must be conducted?

3. What leadership skills must be in place to accomplish this?

4. Conclude by asking the team of organizational leaders to perform specific tasks over the next week to take the next step in the strategic planning process.

Remember, this is not intended to be a full and strategic plan. You will not have a full and complete strategic plan until the final Signature Assignment.

Reference no: EM133359240

Questions Cloud

What payments are typically linked to substantial completion : What payments are typically linked to substantial completion? And to final completion? What are latent defects, and how long are they covered by warranties?
Reviewing the framework of opm : When reviewing the framework of OPM. What constraints may stakeholders present when collecting and integrating an OPM approach within and organization?
How did project support organizations strategic direction : What internal and external factors influenced this project (good or bad)? How did this project support the organization's strategic direction?
Review the responsibilities of stewardship : In this discussion topic, review the responsibilities of stewardship (internal and external to the organization), then describe a project.
Introduce the strategic planning process : During this first week, you have gathered organizational leaders to introduce the strategic planning process.
Research the internet regarding benefit corporations : Do some research on the Internet regarding benefit corporations. Discuss whether you would be more or less inclined to work for such an entity.
Research market segmentation for a new cell phone product : Research the market segmentation for a new cell phone product and phone service featuring "safe" cell phones - phones without algorithmic control.
Analyze the comprehensive performance management : Review and analyze the comprehensive performance management reporting package for the CSERV- Enhanced Customer Service program.
Can new features or technologies be added during a sprint : Can new features or technologies be added during a sprint? What would need to happen to add new features?


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