Introduce the main topic of debate

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131873600

Here are some instruccions:

First, the introduction will introduce the main topic of debate, addressing that there are two core sides to the issue.

Then, you will present the arguments of one side, being careful to not show bias for or against it.

After that, you will present the other side, again not showing bias.

Following the presentation of both sides, you will address the common ground they share. This is not the same as finding a compromise. A compromise asks both sides to shift their position. Common ground seeks to establish what shared goals or values they might already have.

Finally, you will choose one side as the better option, without attacking the other. This can be a part of the conclusion or lead into the conclusion.

In a way, the paper will have three thesis statements (none of which are in the introduction). There is the thesis of Side A, the thesis of Side B, and your thesis about which side is the better choice

The Use of Smart Phones

In the last decade, cell phones have evolved and become more sophisticated. At the beginning of the 21stcentury, cell phones were owned by a few rich people but as the years went on, they became more affordable to the general public. Today, even two year olds own and operate smart phones. The issue, however, is that cell phones have taken up most parts of our lives. Some people will actually not function well if they do not have their cell phones. This dependency on these gadgets is detrimental to social life. It causes distractions when doing basics like walking, driving, studying or working. This predisposes users to dangers of being involved in accidents and reduces concentration when working or studying thus lowering performance. On the flipside, however, cell phones have made life easier. Individuals that are miles away can be contacted in a touch of a button. Online relationships have also blossomed into real life relationships and family and friends now feel closer than ever. 

There are plenty of ways of getting distracted while using a cell phone. One of those dangerous distractions is when they are walking and using the cell phone. "In 2008, emergency rooms reported 1000 visits due to cell phone usage, including texting, with injuries ranging from lacerations to ankle fractures. Comparison of over-ground walking trajectories toward a target with and without texting revealed that during texting, subjects demonstrated a 61% lateral deviation from the most direct pathway, resulting in a 13% increase in distance traveled" (Marone 243). People are so focused while using their cell phones that they don't enjoy the view when the walk anymore. They are too distracted when using their cell phones that sometimes don't pay attention where they are walking. Numerous times those little distraction might end up in minor or fatal accidents. A few of those accidents range from bumping into walls, falling down stair and even more severe as stepping into traffic.

Another distraction which is in fact the most common is the use of cell phones while driving a motor vehicle. Driving is already very complicated and adding this extra task of using smartphones to send text messages or dialing a number it makes it dangerous not just for the driver, but for the other drivers and pedestrians. Texting while driving is a very dangerous task because it distract the drivers by taking their focus away from the road. "It is estimated that the minimal amount of time a driver's attention is taken away from the road when texting is 5 seconds, which, at a speed of 55 mph, equals driving about the length of a football field without looking at the road" (Moreno 1172). In all that period of time too many things could happen.

Other few distractions are using the cell phone while at works or at school. "The use of cell phones during class and study time causes detrimental effects for students, according to a survey taken in December 2009 by 185 SMU students on"(Pottharst). Cell phones distract 89 percent of students while they are studying and nearly 77 percent of students while they are in class. This distraction does not just include receiving unexpected phone calls during class; it also refers to text messaging, logging into Facebook, checking emails, etc. - all of which can involve the use of one's cell phone (Pottharst). Also, the cell phones is one of the most used methods to cheat on exams because the flexibility of storing information and the availability on online material through the use of the internet.  While the use of cell phones at work decreases the productivity of the employees and increase the risk of accidents. Workers tend to pay more attention to the phones decreasing the amount of time accomplishing the daily duties and are not completely focused increasing the probability of defects on the job.

However the cell phones have made our lives way simpler because of their capabilities and the technology involved. With the technology on cell phones, people can be able to contact anyone from any place in the world within seconds just with the touch of a bottom. With this device you can be able to access hundreds of applications of different types, from school calculators to applications like Facebook in which you can connect to people around the world. The cell phone can be used to search the internet just like a computer and can take photos just like a normal camera. You can pay your bills without having to travel to the electric company or you can deposit a check to your bank with just taking a picture. Also you can "add contacts, calendars, and tasks just like a computer" (Aram).

Although both sides have their differences, both agree that cell phones have severed increases the distraction on humans while using the devices. Furthermore, the cell phones can deteriorate the capacity of the individuals at school due that the technology do the work for them, and don't let them push themselves to be able to dominate materials without the use of the cell phone technology. They agree that they are costly and, but help to communicate with friends and family despite the distance.

Overall, the cell phones use will always have their cons or pros. But something that we can't take away is that they are incredible and helpful devices. If they are used with the intended purpose and used safely there would not harm to anyone. If the people just stop while they are texting they would minimize the occurrence of accidents by negligence. If students stop using their phones while in the class room it will make them pay attention to the class and therefore enjoy the classroom. And last if the drivers just wait until the next stop to send a message, this would be make safer the streets for everyone. The cell phones are great tools, but is up to responsible people to make the right decision about, where, when and how they will be use it to the intended purpose without the possibility of harming anyone.

Reference no: EM131873600

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