Reference no: EM131745531 , Length: 3
Prepare a short paper that identifies and describes key information of at least five substantive sources of background information on the market domain of your choosing.
Module introduces you to the concept of business environments, including the identification, selection, and research of a selected industry.
Business environments are ever changing, and as management professionals or entrepreneurs, it is imperative to evaluate and assess changes.
For this assignment, you will select an industry and market domain within the selected industry. Keep in mind, a market domain may be defined as a segment of a broader industry with a strategic focus or target of the marketplace.
For example, in this course, we use the example of emergence of the light rail transportation market that is a segment of the transportation industry.
The market domain may be new or established, but should provide sufficient public information about the market domain to conduct research throughout the course. You will later select an organization (real or fictitious) that operates in the selected market domain.
Prepare a short paper that identifies and describes key information of at least five substantive sources of background information on the market domain of your choosing.
Use the Business Environments, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship Library Resource Guide via the Shapiro Library to collect data and research about the industry and market domain.
Ibis World, Business Insights: Essentials, and Business Insights: Global are robust industry and organization databases that can provide you with lots of a great information about the selected industry.
Also consider other academic, private, and government sources. The sources must include both historical and current information.
Guidelines for Submission: Prepare a 2 to 3 page paper in APA format including at least 5 sources that identifies and describes key information about the selected industry and market domain, current and historical information and identification of a particular business or customer need in the selected marketplace.