Reference no: EM13933675
The purpose of the assignment is to allow you to demonstrate your mastery of theoretical concepts introduced in the unit, applied to a real-world setting. There are five questions, some dealing with general concepts and others becoming more directed in the information required.
You will also have a chance to demonstrate your understanding of regression, a fundamental skill in quantitative business analysis. The questions are phrased in an open-ended manner; the intention is that the assignment is as non-prescriptive as it can be while allowing you the academic freedom to explore and learn as much as you can.
Assignment guide:
The setting for this assignment is the issue of unemployment and social security.
Question One: Introduce and explain the concept of social welfare. Be sure to contextualise the remainder of the assignment
Question Two - Supply and Demand:
Using the labour market, define and describe the laws of demand and supply. Use simple diagrams to illustrate the effect of elasticity on those laws
Question Three - Forecasting
Using the data provided, conduct a regression analysis. Comment on the strength of the derived regression. Use the regression to forecast future employment conditions
Question Four - Research
Research the concepts of money wages and real wages. Explain these two concepts and why they are important. Discuss how wage indices factor in broader economic terms
Question Five - Conclusion
Provide comment and outlook for the global employment market Presentation.
Resident of australia and the income tax consequences
: Discuss whether ABC Co is a resident of Australia and the income tax consequences of the above for the year ended 30 June 2015. Support your answer with reference to case law and legislation. Ignore CGT and FBT implications.
Determine the vertical deflection
: A 50-kg traffic signal is suspended by two 21-m cables which have a mass of 1.2 kg per meter of length. Determine the vertical deflection 8 of the junction ring A relative to its position before the signal is added.
Making customized components for system
: A few days later a truck from Cool It Airon arrives at Richard's factory. Richard phones up Siobah and says he never agreed to the installation. When Siobah tells him about the fax, he realizes his mistake and tells her that he had sent it by acci..
How might potential clients respond to this approach
: What aspects of these approaches might tend to marginalize or discount client perspectives? What single idea regarding assessment stood out for you as the most significant after completing the readings?
Introduce and explain the concept of social welfare
: Introduce and explain the concept of social welfare. Be sure to contextualise the remainder of the assignment
Discuss the common law
: Your answer should discuss the common law, statute law and relevant cases.
Some newer fixed assets which utilize latest in technology
: MACRS 5-year property Year Rate 1 20.00% 2 32.00% 3 19.20% 4 11.52% 5 11.52% 6 5.76% Ronnie's Custom Cars purchased some fixed assets two years ago for $50,000. The assets are classified as 5-year property for MACRS. Ronnie is considering selling the..
Unreasonably low profit to drive him out of business
: Recently, however, he noticed that the major grocery retailers now offer several of his products, such as rice snacks, organic herbs, and oils, at prices so low that he cannot possibly match them without losing money. Lang suspects that the retail..
Externality exists in a current market
: Choose a case study from your home country where an externality exists in a current market. Illustrate the situation with externalities in your case study and the resulting deadweight loss in a diagram