Intro to programming

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13758731

Intro to programming

For this assignment, you will create a class to describe the product that is being ordered. You will then modify your code to create an instance of this class and utilize it in the ordering process.
Consider the properties or attributes and methods that are related to your product. Using a Unified Modeling Language (UML) class diagram, describe these properties and methods. Consider the properties or attributes that are related to your ordering system. Use a UML class diagram to describe the ordering system class. Be certain to include appropriate get- and set-methods for each of your class properties. Be certain that all of your class instance variables are declared private. All the methods should be declared public.
Create a Java class that implements your UML class diagram for your product. You may place this class in the current Java source file or you may create or add a new file to your project. Modify your existing code to make use of your product class by moving all appropriate variables and methods into the class. You will need to create an instance of your product class in your main method so that your program runs correctly. The execution (and screen captures) of your revised program should match those of the previous week.

Reference no: EM13758731

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