Interviewing juveniles versus adults-define entrapment

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Reference no: EM133414541

Chapter 6


1. What is the value of the FBI's National Crime Information Center (NCIC) to investigators?

2. What are pen registers and how are they useful to investigators?

3. What differences may arise in interviewing juveniles versus adults?

4. Briefly discuss some of the approaches an officer can use in an interview.

5. Discuss the legality of third-degree tactics in police interrogations.

Chapter 7


1. If a suspect is at the scene of a crime, what methods can an officer use to identify the suspect at the scene?

2. Compile a list of some of the key items to ask about when helping a witness describe a suspect.

3. Define entrapment.

4. What precautions should be taken when conducting raids?

5. After arresting a suspect, under what conditions are officers allowed to search the arrestee's home?

Reference no: EM133414541

Questions Cloud

Cause either serious bodily injury : Deadly force: An amount of force that is likely to cause either serious bodily injury or death to another person.
According to labeling theory : According to Labeling Theory, what is the difference between primary deviance and secondary deviance? Provide an example that illustrates the difference.
The rights to counsel and to due process apply in lineups : The rights to counsel and to due process apply in lineups, showups, and photographic identification, but the rights to protection against unreasonable searches
Community-oriented policing and problem-solving program : How can Implementing a community-oriented policing and problem-solving (COPPS) program help communities plagued by high criminal activity?
Interviewing juveniles versus adults-define entrapment : What differences may arise in interviewing juveniles versus adults? Define entrapment. What precautions should be taken when conducting raids?
What can signature provide as investigative lead : Under certain circumstances, some criminals have a signature. What can a signature provide as an investigative lead?
Explain what stop and frisk : We took a hard look at the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution. Explain what "stop and frisk" is and how this is used by the police.
Biases interfere with jurors abilities to make decision : What kinds of biases interfere with the jurors' abilities to make decisions? Give specific examples from the movie.
Warrant requirement with entering private residence : What are the exceptions to the warrant requirement with entering a private residence?


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