Interviewing employee of affordable housing

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Reference no: EM133367008

After interviewing an employee of affordable housing, Reflect upon the experience. What impression did you get from this person? What impression did you get about the employer? Did they ask you any interesting questions? What did you learn that you didn't know? Was there anything in retrospect you wish you had asked?

With regard to the ethical dilemmas this person identified (or didn't identify) what other conflicts of interest or potential ethical dilemmas can you see could occur with this position? Did the person seem aware of the potential ethical dilemmas in this job? This is important!! As we will discuss in class, the biggest hurdle to overcoming ethical dilemmas is seeing them before they happen, so I definitely want to know if you saw other potential issues other than what this person identified.

What kind of ethical training has this person received? Do you think it is adequate? Is there any ongoing ethical training or ethically related training?

If you were going to devise an hour long ethics training for someone like the person you interviewed what kinds of things do you think would need to be included? What do you think would be the best way to deliver training like that? (subject matter, timing, delivery method frequency, etc.) You will need to use at least one outside resource for this section of the paper.

Reference no: EM133367008

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