Reference no: EM133229201
Eric Matthews was working the afternoon shift as a cashier at the local fast food restaurant on a Thursday when his Manager decided to send two cashiers home. Business had been slow since the restaurant opened in the morning and two of the cashiers had sick children at home. Eric walked out in the lobby to sweep the floor and wipe tables. He enjoyed chatting with some of the "regulars" that would stop by for a sandwich while reading the newspaper or magazine in the afternoons.
An hour later, Eric was working the register when four young men walked in speaking loudly and laughing. By this time the senior citizens who had stopped in to read and eat lunch had left. All four men approached Eric's register. They began yelling their orders at the same time at Eric. Eric asked them politely to speak slower. They responded, "Why do you speak funny?" Eric explained that he had Down syndrome and asked them to place their orders one at a time.
The Manager stepped in and asked two of the men to step over to his line. Two of the men moved towards his line and then one pulled out a gun. He asked the manager to take them to the safe.
A short time after the men leave, the manager calls the police. The manager provides a statement to the responding officers. Eric has some trouble relaying the information from incident right after it occurred, while still in the restaurant. He continues to stare at the front register area. Detective Sullivan arrives and asks Eric if he would come to the precinct the next day to provide a description of the offenders and discuss the incident
Draft a list of ten questions that you would like to ask the victim, Eric Matthews.
Make sure the questions adhere to the Interview Strategies for individuals with developmental disabilities. Consider the following:
Avoid words with double meaning.
Avoid asking more than one question at a time.
Use simple sentences and basic words.
Avoid questions with only yes or no answers.
Give requests or ideas one at a time.