Interview local banker about lending policies

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131179972

Interview a local banker about lending policies for small business loans.

Ask the banker to comment on the importance of a business plan to the banks decision to loan money to a small business.

Write a brief report on your findings.

Reference no: EM131179972

Questions Cloud

What is the difference in thereturns of two opportunities : A zero coupon bond has a par value of $10,000 a current price of $6,000 and 8 years to maturity. If the preferred stock of the same company has a fixed divivdend of $5 and a price of $100, what is the difference in thereturns of the two opportunities..
Problem regarding the modularizing code : Imagine you are a part of a team that is tasked with writing a mobile application (app) that will allow users to send pictures to their friends. The manager does not want to waste time creating code modules. Describe at least one (1) advantage of ..
What is the portfolio weight of stock : You own the following portfolio of stocks. What is the portfolio weight of stock C? Stock Number of Shares Price per Share A 120 $37 B 800 $33 C 450 $57 D 260 $56 57.65 percent 37.16 percent 20.49 percent 63.90 percent 36.10 percent
What is portfolio weight of each stock and expected return : Stock J has a beta of 1.25 and an expected return of 13.41 percent, while Stock K has a beta of 0.8 and an expected return of 10.35 percent. You want a portfolio with the same risk as the market. What is the portfolio weight of each stock? What is th..
Interview local banker about lending policies : Interview a local banker about lending policies for small business loans.- Ask the banker to comment on the importance of a business plan to the banks decision to loan money to a small business.
Calculate the magnitude of the corresponding lift : A glider flies with a a line of descent of 4? to the horizontal and it reaches a maximum speed of 150 km/h. If the glider's gross weight is 132 kg, calculate the magnitude of the corresponding lift and drag forces.
Undetected for a long period of time : Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) is a network under attack. The attack stays undetected for a long period of time. The intention is to not set off any alarms. Its purpose is not to cause damage, but to steal as much data as possible from an organ..
Determine the type of interrupt suited for an application : What criteria do you use to determine the type of interrupt suited for an application? Explain with examples.
Report on financing arrangement of firm featured in magazine : Review recent issues of Entrepreneur or Inc., and report on the financing arrangements of firms featured In these magazines.


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