Interview identifies what coexisting concern

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Reference no: EM133781960

Question: A patient experiencing osteoarthritic pain in both hands had been self-managing the pain for several years with aspirin. The health care provider will likely prescribe diflunisal when the patient's assessment interview identifies what coexisting concern?

Reference no: EM133781960

Questions Cloud

Which predisposes the patient to that condition : She is at 38 weeks gestation, and the clinician is concerned for acute fatty liver of pregnancy. Which predisposes this patient to that condition?
How to maximize the patients total well-being : How to maximize the patients total well-being. The moral principle of autonomy and respect for persons would imply that the patient should make decisions
What is the role of the dnp nurse practitioner : What are the upstream and downstream effects of intravenous drug use. What is the role of DNP nurse practitioner such as decreasing prevalence and incidence?
How to identify, prepare, and support these needed champions : Despite these options, there is a lack of detailed guidance about how to identify, prepare, and support these needed champions
Interview identifies what coexisting concern : The health care provider will likely prescribe diflunisal when the patient's assessment interview identifies what coexisting concern
Which findings would suggest the patient has vertigo : A 13-year-old boy presents to the clinic with reports of dizziness. Which findings would suggest the patient has vertigo, not pseudovertigo?
How should caregivers handle cleaning during : How should caregivers handle cleaning during the day, while children are present? What are the risk factors for SIDS? How can caregivers help to reduce
Explain promotion campaigns on epidemiology : Explain Promotion Campaigns on epidemiology The nurse can use various media platforms to reach a wider audience. This could involve creating informative posts
What is the role of the dnp nurse practitioner in prevalence : What is the role of the DNP nurse practitioner in prevalence and incidence, community initiatives in eastern Kentucky regarding poor air quality?


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