Reference no: EM13783608
Interview an older relative (someone 65 or older). Using the topic areas below, ask questions about their life histories. Good areas to focus on are their childhoods, Great Depression and/or war years (this will be different from person to person based on the relative's age), rationing, relationship with parents, wedding, marriage, early family years, etc. Be sure to include at least 10 of the following items regarding your relative:
1. birth and infancy
2. early childhood (including earliest memories)
3. type of parenting they experienced
4. early environment (size/location of home, family practices, etc.)
5. sibling experiences
6. best friends
7. school/peer experiences
8. adolescence experiences, including dating
9. college/other educational experiences
10. work experiences
11. marriage/raising children
12. retirement
13. particular life crises, if any
14. personal philosophy of life
Feel free to make all of this up. Must be 5 pages double spaced.
Create wireframes web site design
: Also create three Wireframes [storyboards] for your web site design (Home Page and two others). These are rough designs to show placement of navigation, text and other elements on each of the pages. These pages should indicate hierarchy in the pag..
Impact of unemployment as a broad issue
: Being unemployed and the impact of unemployment as a broad issue Being an alcoholic or drug addict and the broader impact of alcoholism/drug addiction on society
Create an original story to display your creative thinking
: You will create an original short story to display your creative thinking processes. The subject is of your own design; however I would recommend something that is close to you in nature.
Popular stability strategies
: popular stability strategies
Interview an older relative
: Interview an older relative (someone 65 or older). Using the topic areas below, ask questions about their life histories. Good areas to focus on are their childhoods
New service or new health care program
: How would a SWOT analysis be used to develop a new service or new health care program? Support your rationale with specific examples.
Display military advancements
: Use examples of wars throughout these centuries. Display military advancements during the time and how it changed war. Reveal how the changes in war changed the way wars are justified.
An economic recession related issues
: One well-known president argued that savings during an economic downturn, such as a recession, is a bad idea. Who was this president?
Agents of socialization
: Agents of socialization include parents, siblings, extended family, community, culture, economic environment, religion, child care, school, teachers, peers, formal organizations, sports, mass media, and technology.