Interrelationship between religion and politics exacerbates

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Reference no: EM133655293


You put up a nice discussion. Joel Kotkin pointed out that a change in priorities within religious movements, with an increasing emphasis on social justice over traditional spiritual and theological aspects, is the reason for the fall in organized religions. However, individuals who feel cut off from their religious rituals may become estranged by this shift, which might result in a decline in attendance and involvement. This complex interrelationship between religion and politics exacerbates the situation by impeding cooperative attempts to tackle social justice concerns and exacerbating the decline of organized religion.



Reference no: EM133655293

Questions Cloud

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Interrelationship between religion and politics exacerbates : This complex interrelationship between religion and politics exacerbates the situation by impeding cooperative attempts to tackle social justice concerns.
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Provide a brief summary of the two articles you reviewed : Provide a brief summary of the two articles you reviewed from outside resources on the national healthcare issue/stressor.


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